It appears even the veterans of this country are having their constitutional rights trampled on by the court system as well. Veteran Drug Treatment Courts are mandating Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
At one of the meetings with the court team it is said that ‘All have addictions or mental illnesses that were factors in their criminal activity.’ I wonder if they are really getting professional help for the mental illness or addictions
they have.
Here we have in black and white that the mentally ill criminals are mixed in with minors.

Gazette opinion: Court marshals community to rebuild vets’ lives
Posted: Sunday, February 19, 2012
LARRY MAYER/Billings Gazette
Veterans treatment court team members gather with District Judge Mary Jane Knisely on Wednesday.
Twelve people sat around the jury table next door to a sixth-floor courtroom and a few more sat along the wall. Shortly after daybreak Wednesday, the Yellowstone County Impaired Driving Court and Veterans Treatment Court team assessed the past week’s progress and problems for 42 offenders. Most have convictions for drunken or drugged driving. Five are military veterans. All have addictions or mental illnesses that were factors in their criminal activity.
At 9 a.m., the courtroom was nearly full when Knisely called the first name, a veteran making his first court appearance since completing a 90-day jail-based addiction treatment. Now out of jail and living with other veterans at Independence Hall, he is attending regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and looking for a job.
“You have 104 days sober today,” Knisely told him, presenting him with coins for 30, 60 and 90 days of sobriety. “Congratulations, we’re happy to see you.”
Everyone in the courtroom applauded.