Daytona Beach Makes Massive Arrests in Major Drug Crackdown

February 23rd 2011 Daytona Beach Fl make 40 arrests on massive drug crackdown. Operation Trojan Horse made sweeping arrests of multiple repeat dangerous drug dealing felons. Because of the murder of St.Petersburg Fl Dave Crawford by a 16 year old ,officers are warned to be careful while arresting. There have been many police deaths in Florida and across the country in recent months. With this knowledge police have been warned to be very careful.What about the children who play in the playgrounds that Judge Will and many others will mandate these very people to attend Daytona AA/NA? Is anyone taking into consideration the children? NO! Why? That is what the community wants to know. The police officers and judges know how dangerous these criminals are.They are downright scared of them. Yet they allow meetings of convicted felons to meet in our parks and playgrounds in Holly Hill Fl.This article exposes the knowledge the police know-yet protect the felons instead of the children who play on the swings nearby.Don’t forget the children and teens who attend the actual meetings themselves with the parent charged or convicted of violent felony crimes.

One thought on “Daytona Beach Makes Massive Arrests in Major Drug Crackdown

  1. I have had many bad experiences at Sunrise Park
    in the past with the NA groups that meet there.
    I hear very bad language,see them throwing their
    cigarette butts on the ground,asking people sitting at a picnic table”are you
    hear for the meeting ?”.That is how they get people to move and then they dont
    have to pay any rent. It is so annoying. They have also threatened people in
    the community a number of times.Police have been called often on these groups.I
    no longer will go to Sunrise Park because of all of this.

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