May 3rd 2013
Accused killer had moved in with victim on the day of slaying at Sunset Beach Drive
Former Behavioral Health Resources counselor John Alkins, 58, was fired in December after he “violated BHR policies concerning professional boundaries.” Five months later, a 27-year-old Olympia woman who says she was a former patient of Alkins’ at BHR is accused of slitting Alkins’ throat with a folding razor knife at his Sunset Beach Drive home. She told police she later strangled him with an extension
Accused killer had moved in with victim on the day of slaying at Sunset Beach Drive
Former Behavioral Health Resources counselor John Alkins, 58, was fired in December after he “violated BHR policies concerning professional boundaries.” Five months later, a 27-year-old Olympia woman who says she was a former patient of Alkins’ at BHR is accused of slitting Alkins’ throat with a folding razor knife at his Sunset Beach Drive home. She told police she later strangled him with an extension cord.
Former Behavioral Health Resources counselor John Alkins, 58, was fired in December after he “violated BHR policies concerning professional boundaries,” according to a spokeswoman there.
Five months later, a 27-year-old Olympia woman who says she was a former patient of Alkins’ at BHR is accused of slitting Alkins’ throat with a folding razor knife after they had sexual relations at his Sunset Beach Drive home Monday night. She told police she later strangled him with an extension cord, court papers state.
Lia Tricomo told deputies she had moved into Alkins home on Monday, the same day that Tricomo is accused of fatally stabbing and strangling him.
Tricomo was being held at the Thurston County Jail Thursday on suspicion of first-degree murder in connection with Alkins’ homicide. Her bail is set at $1 million.
When detectives asked Tricomo why she slit Alkins’ throat, “she stated that he was a creep,” court papers state.
Tricomo, who has a history of mental health issues, told detectives that after she slit Alkins’ throat six times while the two were in bed Monday, he refused to call 911 because “he did not want to get in trouble for having a former client at his residence,” court papers state.
Also according to court papers:
Tricomo told detectives that she had a social relationship with Alkins that began while he was providing her with mental health services at BHR. Tricomo added that Alkins was no longer employed at BHR because “he was terminated several months ago due to an inappropriate relationship with another patient.” On Thursday morning, a BHR spokeswoman confirmed that Alkins left BHR in September, but she would not say why. BHR is a mental health services clinic on Martin Way in Olympia.
A Department of Health spokesman told The Olympian later on Thursday that if Alkins left BHR due to a finding of “unprofessional conduct,” BHR would have been required to notify DOH. DOH spokesman Donn Moyer added there is no record that BHR notified DOH of any such finding when Alkins’ employment was terminated.
BHR spokeswoman Judi Hoefling subsequently confirmed that Alkins was terminated from BHR in December after a BHR investigation determined that Alkins violated BHR policies regarding “professional boundaries.” Hoefling also acknowledged that BHR did not promptly report to DOH that Alkins was terminated for unprofessional conduct, as required under Washington Administrative Code.
“A case report was not filed with the Department of Health at the time of the former employee’s termination,” Hoefling wrote in an e-mail.
Hoefling said BHR did “consult” with DOH while it was investigating Alkins’ case in September, after he was placed on administrative leave.
Hoefling indicated that a report was subsequently filed with DOH indicating why Alkins was terminated. When asked when that happened, she said that report was filed “today,” meaning Thursday.
DOH’s Moyer said Thursday that when Alkins left BHR, he was required under state law to notify the state Department of Health’s “Health Systems Quality Assurance Division” of his change in employment, but there is no record with DOH that he did so.
Moyer added that when an agency-affiliated counselor does not meet this notification requirement, it could result in a complaint, investigation, or possible corrective action. Alkins’ counselor’s license was in good standing and active with DOH at the time of his death, and there were no complaints of any kind against him, Moyer said.
It was unclear Thursday which agency has jurisdiction over BHR’s apparent failure to follow Washington Administrative Code.
A professional organization for counselors makes it clear that sexual or romantic contact between a counselor and a patient is unethical.
According to the American Counseling Association’s code of ethics published on its website, sexual or romantic relationships between counselors and clients are prohibited. Sexual or romantic relationships between counselors and former clients are prohibited for a period of five years following the last professional contact.
Court papers released on Thursday also revealed more details about Alkins and Tricomo’s alleged relationship, and what happened before and after Alkin’s homicide Monday night, including:
— After Alkins’ throat had been slit, Tricomo told deputies he walked around his home in the 3800 block of Sunset Beach Drive for hours, “trying to stop the bleeding” himself. Tricomo said she followed Alkins around the house “to make sure he didn’t leave.” She also told detectives she and Alkins eventually had a struggle near the front door of the residence before she strangled him. NA Daytona AA Daytona
— Tricomo said she slept at Alkins’ home Monday night and after she awoke Tuesday, she “checked on Alkins,” then fixed herself something to eat. She then used his computer to try to access his bank accounts to get money so she could flee. She was unable to get any money, but eventually left in Alkins’ vehicle. She later asked for help at a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and a member of the AA group took her to Providence St. Peter Hospital Tuesday night.
— She was arrested Tuesday night after she turned herself in at the hospital’s mental health ward. After serving a search warrant on Tricomo’s personal property, detectives found a “blood-stained folding razor knife” in her backpack.
Tricomo has a history of violence. She was convicted of third-degree assault in 2009, and is on diversion for a fourth-degree assault charge.
According to court records, in February 2011, Tricomo called police saying “she wanted to kill her family” and took 12 sleeping pills. Tricomo’s sister tried to stop her from taking the pills, resulting in Tricomo hitting her “over the head with a glass bottle in order to get more pills.”
Tricomo has also been admitted to Western State Hospital where she was deemed “competent” and having “no diminished capacity,” Thurston County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Lord has said.
Alkins’ autopsy on Thursday confirmed that he died of strangulation, according to the Thurston County Coroner Gary Warnock. Warnock stated in a news release that “the multiple sharp force injuries” to Alkins’ neck were not immediately fatal. Alkins was discovered in his bed with an extension cord wrapped around his neck.
Thurston County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ray Brady said Thursday that Tricomo’s story about what happened with Alkins “appears to be consistent with a lot of the scene.” However, it is unclear whether she is being completely forthright in all of the details, Brady said. “We’re still looking into that,” he said.
Safety First – Please report on this story regarding young pp AA Round Up coming to CA> thank you for all you do . http://leavingaa.com. This information is from a YPAA committee and talk about the work of Massive – in 2011 and it was tabled. The Predator is still attending the Round ups and weekend events and the lawyer is aware as are many others yet the man still is attending and they are all aware of him preying on minors.
Lia Tricomo was a gang rape victim who was never treated. Her assigned “counselor” was a predator who triggered her previous trauma by macking on her instead of healing her. He was later fired for indiscretions with his other patients. Lia deserved better than to be assigned a predator who made her mental condition worse, not better. #JusticeforLiaTricomo
Please post this story on your front page http://leavingaa.com/keith-earl-davis-alcoholics-anonymous-member-arrested-for-slaying-nurse-captured-in-louisiana/
Please read the whole story about Lia Tricomo on my blog post WHY RAPES GO UNREPORTED mcalestermatters.com
Tell us more here Joseph too!
We could have done with that insight early on.
I wish I was stronger and ready to go in and do something like that. I think perhaps I am still intimidated by them? I did not think that I was. But what happened when I encountered an ol AA buddy that I love and another ol guy from the program a few weeks ago just proves that something is still SERIOUSLY wrong with me!
But some things are still better.
I will not be calling.
I will not be coming back…
That’s the most IMPORTANT part.
But here is what I did do (God Help Me):
Meet Tiffany, a recovering Xanax addict.
She showed up at a recovery house expecting a system to help keep her on the path to sobriety.
Instead, Tiffany says the owner of the recovery program made advances to her.
She felt TRAPPED and soon discovered other women did, too.
Tiffany has a powerful story you’ll want to share: http://bit.ly/159wkG8
This reporter has hit on what we all know is just the TIP of the iceberg. Is she ready to discover more?
Heather Catallo reports on what happened behind closed doors at a well known Michigan-based Sobriety House chain of sorts — and she investigates why no one from the state can do much to help women like Tiffany.
If you have a story or information for Heather, please email her at hcatallo@wxyz.com
Read more: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/local_news/investigations/local-women-feel-trapped-by-man-in-power#ixzz2SM7HVxm6
Please take a moment to send this reporter more information about why factions of the twelve step industry operate as they do without much control if any enforced upon them.
Whenever reporters do little stories like this it is an opportunity for us to help get them deeper info…perhaps start a sharp one off and the hottest story of his or her career.
And bring JUSTICE and SAFETY to us all.
Thanks Iilbefree! Good point! One way to make a name for your self as a reporter is to break stories. Most Sober Recovery homes have a 12 step model to it. They either have them at the sober home or they take them to the nearby AA/NA meetings.
This gives them credibility in the eyes of local government when they try and open these very profitable sober home
( unbelievable!)
Also many people who open them up are themselves addicts and learn of this way to make money and exploit the system. Many can be 12 steppers who maybe got over their addiction but never got treatment from underlying mental health illnesses.
This article you link to does not name the name of the sober home so It could not be determined what type of sober home this is. But I guess we will be finding out.
So much going on. It just gets worse…or maybe just being revealed more thanks to sites like this one.
Let’s keep working to blow the rook off the mutha is all I can say.
Everyone deserves to know what really goes on…
I am working on an AA suicide video… It is going slow but when it is done…I promise it will be SOLID!
That is great to hear! The suicides by AA and NA members need to be exposed. Even though AA admits to the problem they are doing nothing to stop the practices that encourage it.
Yes… Moving forward connecting with non-profits that are dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention should know about the anti-12 step racket movement.
Besides the horror of the rape, assault, death…what they do to the hearts and minds of people who do not respond to their so called “program” is mental abuse…it harms. It kills.
People are losing people to suicides caused by 12-step malpractice without any license…a.k.a. murder or manslaughter or negligence–SOMETHING.
It is not right. It is NOT legal.
No one but the Creator and me know how close those witches came to destroying me.
What is so messed up is that they really did help initially, but only to ultimately be ABUSIVE…COERCIVE…DESTRUCTIVE… CONTROLLING & POTENTIAL DEADLY…
I will never be the same…neither will the countless and uncounted people that they have driven to suicide!
Thanks AntiD!
Please never stop doing this work you do so well. You are saving lives that you may not even ever be aware of…but YOU ARE.
They ain’t killed my ass–YET! 😉
PS: And what do you think of this Paul P. guy?
I love it Illbefree! I am a big advocate for photographers rights. AA tries to bully people to not take pictures, but they cannot stop it. We need more pictures and videos like Paul’s to show the world the reality of the rooms of AA and NA.
Daytona AA and NA are right in the open in a public park. You cannot expect privacy in a park.
This particular video clip shows a little boy being exposed to the 12 step cult and what looks like his Mom taking him inside to a meeting. Minors should not be allowed in AA or NA meetings- period. No exceptions.
I am re-posting this because I am not sure if my last post went thru or not. Please excuse me if it is a duplicate…
Yes, it is amazing AntiD. You know, I think changes are going to come sooner than we may have anticipated. Anyone is free to tape or video in a public place and with YouTube no one is required to sign a release…I guess.
I am unsure of the legality, but what NA or AA member will care about legalities when he or she sees and/or hears themselves sharing at a table on THE WORLD WIDE WEB?! Those of them that stumble onto our sites are actually lucky; at least they are being forewarned. No one at an AA or NA meeting is gonna warn them!
Many will be MORTIFIED when they realize that this kind of secret recording of 12 step “closed” meetings is being done more and more. Everyone KNOWS that any damned body can go into those meetings and pretend to be ‘whatever’ is needed.
Just look and listen to this meeting that is readily available online; a so-called “anonymous” meeting wherein no one’s confidentiality is really broken…but we can see how easily that line even can be crossed (just look at what is happening with our government these days)
Secretly Taped AA Meeting: http://youtu.be/f9UXCQfLljY
Those who oppose us and support the 12 step racket may not agree that AA and NA meetings are unsafe due to the predators that attend them and so they may feel totally at ease. Will they feel at as much ease with the 12 Step Secret Paparazzi taping their “SHARES” and posting them to YouTube?
Will they wake up and smell the weak free coffee…or keep being brain-washed-bill-kabobs?
Just how fruckin brain washed are they?
We’ll soon see, huh?
Lia Yera Tricomo is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous in Thurston County in Washington State AA General Service Area 72 District 8 with Olympia being the county seat and state capital. If you are an AA member in Olympia or have any friends or relatives who go to AA in that area please warn them about the people that Alcoholics Anonymous regularly entice to join through the court system in their “Corrections” and “Cooperation with the Professional Community” (CPC) or “Hospital and Institutions” (H&I). Alcoholics Anonymous is not the friendly place that you hear about on TV, it is filled with some of the most dangerous people hiding anonymously in the rooms, hugging and praying to Bill Wilson with your loved ones. Do the right thing and call your local AA Intergroup and ask to speak to the organizers of these committees and make sure they have policies and procedures to make sure that your loved ones are safe. You will most likely be hit with a bunch of slogans claiming that the Intergroup does not control the attendees, but don’t take that for an answer. If they actively recruit dangerous criminals, AA should be held accountable for their actions….