Parents battle church over sex offender meetings near school

 Sonrise Church has both sex offender meetings, AA meetings and NA meetings just a hop skip and a jump from an elementary school. Parents have been complaining for years but the pastor refuses to move the meetings.The motto at the church is “A safe place to hear a life changing message.” But parents who have children right next door at Quatama Elementary School question that message. What a deceptive message! I guess they mean it is safe for the felons-Not the children. When are they going to put the children first?

The church holds a service every week and as many as 120 registered sex offenders attend. In addition to the meetings for the Sex Offenders and other violent felons, the AA and NA meetings also invite sex predators and violent felons. So the school is getting exposed to criminals by 3 different sources from the church.

Parents battle church over sex offender meetings near school

By Thom Jensen KATU News Published: Nov 15, 2012 at 6:47 PM PS

HILLSBORO, Ore. – Parents have been fighting for years without success to get a church near a public grade school to move its meetings for sex offenders.
They say they’ve run into roadblocks trying to get this sex offender meeting to move. They say they’ve been trying for at least three years to convince Sonrise Church, where these registered offenders meet, to move the meeting far away from any schools.

Additionally, some of these sex offenders will actually start living at the church within the next month, KATU News has learned.

The motto at the church is “A safe place to hear a life changing message.” But parents who have children right next door at Quatama Elementary School question that message.

The church holds a service every week and as many as 120 registered sex offenders attend.

“This like having an AA meeting in a bar,” said parent Shannon Jones.

It’s about 60 steps from the church to the school, a distance that can be walked in just over a half-minute.

Parents want the Hillsboro School District to notify everyone about what’s going on and “help us communicate to families right in this area that might not know,” said Marcy Tell.

But they say the district refuses.

A district spokesperson says the district takes no position on the issue and that it has a good relationship with the church.

Employees at the church were resistant to speak to KATU News Thursday. But a pastor said he won’t move the services. The church was there first, and he said security guards are at the church to protect kids.

Parents question his truthfulness because of something that happened at another church seven years ago.

Pastor Jerry Mettee filed a false police report in 2005 saying he was stabbed by a burglar when, in fact, he stabbed himself. But the church and district said there hasn’t been one incident involving offenders and kids.

“You can’t undo something after it’s already happened and make it all better,” Jones said.

Jones, also a survivor of childhood sex abuse, says she doesn’t want that first incident to occur, and that’s why she’s going public with her concerns.

Parents also question the relationship between the district and Sonrise because the church donates up to $5,000 a year to the schools.

They also want state laws to change to outlaw these types of offender meetings and treatment centers near schools.

Thom Jensen found out about this story through a news tip. If you have a story for any of the “On Your Side” investigators, email them at



  1. Buzzkill,

    Does AA inform vulnerable people that there is evil everywhere; including the meetings. When I went there, I was taught that I was in a safe place. Any churches I have been to; teach you that there is evil everywhere. They speak of evil and how to protect yourself. As you said; most that come to AA our sick. They should be protected even more so.

  2. Hi, I have been reading this site for a few days now, and I have to say- this is a little nuts.

    Um, Jesus was around the nasty of the nasty. Prostitutes, thieves, drunks, liars, you name it. He never once turned anyone away. Not once. Same with Buddha. He taught us to forgive our enemies, and to show kindness and tolerance to all living things. Now, do you really honestly believe that churches don’t have criminals? think about it. Criminals don’t need to be convicted to be criminals. Churches tend to follow Christ’s teachings, and I think this is what the priest is trying to say here. You can’t put out a message without backing it up. Churches are there for the people; This is how communities grow. Jesus only wanted people who were willing to follow him, he never put restraints on who or what they did. Same same.

    I also want to point out- Convicts are everywhere. You stand next to them in line at the grocery store. You may work with them. They make your food at restaurants, and greet you when you walk into schools (surprisingly, yes, they have children!). Would you rather not know they are around you? Do you prefer to live in ignorance? So what if they go to AA or a church? Who cares, in the grand scheme of things? They will always be around you, regardless. Get a spine, all ready!

    If you judge someone, remember, you have to be perfect every day for the rest of your life. I am sure there are things you have done you are not proud of. Granted, it may not include stalking or murdering someone. But, in the eyes of the lord, a sin is a sin.

    AA: it’s amazing what the public believes of AA. Uh, I hate to say this, but AA is not organized. They volunteer – all positions are volunteered. Every last one of them. They don’t train people to become sponsors. Wounded healers are the best kind. Would you rather have a teacher who had taken remedial classes or a teacher that was a straight A honors student? I would take the first one, because I am learning disabled (dyslexia). I would want someone who understands my frustrations with it, who persevered, and who made it in the end. I would want an example.

    They don’t train people for duties. They just do them, and there is a reason for it.

    They don’t condone interfering with outside issues. Here’s why:

    Lets say a famous movie star comes to AA. He/she is sober for awhile, and then gets drunk. He/she steals a car, goes over the Hollywood hill, or finds him/herself standing in front of an officer rumbling on about how the Jews killed Christ or some infinate nonsense. Two days later, he/she is sitting outside talking to reporters about how AA is a cult, or AA doesn’t work, or some silly bubblegum spit. Automatically, the public has view of this, and because ONE person said something, everyone is paranoid and judgemental and has the wrong idea of AA.

    Instead of continually defending itself, it just keeps going as it always has, helping those who are willing to try. It is inevitable that people will try, drink, do stupid stuff, come back, try, drink, do stupid stuff, come back, threaten people, do stupid stuff, etc. Addicts are like that. It happens. Instead of bringing attention to the active addict, we let them do their thing. Instead of bringing attention to AA, they do their thing. AA does not interfere unless in extreme cases. I, as an AA member, have called the police on three seperate occasions. I do not feel bad about it, and it was MY CHOICE. MY SPONSOR ADVISED ME TO DO IT, and I did because I felt it was the right thing to do. If I had felt that it wasn’t, I wouldnt have done it, and she would have been fine with it.


    What I see in this forum, as well as the orange papers, is a lack of understanding when it comes to alcoholism. One minute, you are busting AA for a murder because one member of an anonymous group (who probobly didn’t have much time in the program nor much contact with people in it), went off on a spree. The next minute, you are busting outside institutions because they didn’t keep AA in check, and then you want to bust Judges for sending people to AA, and so on. Who’s fault is it? Ultimately….

    He did it. That is his business. I doubt anyone told him to do it. I doubt anyone said “Hey that would be a great idea.” Unlikely. The thing to remember that, much like the real world, everyone in AA is sick. They are there because of that. They didn’t come in on the wings of eagles. You are going to encounter people with less than perfect lives. You will see people from out there…doing things in the rooms and in the world that they did when they were drunk. Its the way things work with addicts.

    What I want to know is- whats your plan? Do you think that people should be locked up and rehibilitated? Do you believe that addicts should be sent to a mysterious island far away, never to be seen again (it would have to be a REALLY BIG ISLAND)? All you do is whine and moan about AA, and this and that… and you never come up with a solution. Not one. What is your alternate? What do you have to offer? And instead of busting AA, maybe you could try, say, giving someone a pat on the back. “hey dude, I don’t agree with you being in AA, or the stuff involved with them, but it is your decision, and whatever decision you think is best is best for me.” That is the mark of a true friend.

    What is your play with this website? Are you here to restructure AA? Good luck with that- that comes from within, and you have to have the group behind you. Are you here to get rid of AA? If so, what do you propose as another option for treatment? And, what exactly, is a safe neighborhood anymore, anyway?

    • Hey buzzkiil, Interesting you stated that you had read the website over the last few days. You have lots of questions and misconceptions though If you were REALLY reading your answers would of been answered. I will try and go over some of your misconceptions and questions.

      As far as your comment about Jesus accepting people of all walks of life including prostitues and criminals. Sonrise Church is not just allowing sex offenders and violent criminals to their church, they have an active campaign to encourage them to come to special meetings just for them a short walk from an elementary school. Did you miss this point of the story? I guess we could argue if Jesus would gather sex offenders in the hundreds along with killers and other violent felons, near small children putting them in harms way. We could also debate if Jesus would also advertise this meeting as a ‘ safe meeting’. I personally think Jesus would use common sense and not put the little children in harms way. He would find a way to help those in need as well as protecting the little children. Also because of the sex scandals involving churches, most have safety measures in place when it comes to their congregation and who can serve. Many churches have strict guidelines for sex offenders- some do not allow them. It seems Sonrise Church is lacking big time in any safety measures. They go as far as say on their website that these are safe meetings! To be clear-even those churches that have strict guidelines to prevent sex abuse-it all goes out the window with AA/NA/CA/SA meetings that our in the church.

      As far as your typical 12 stepper tired argument that criminals are everywhere, is so off the mark. Like you said EVERYONE in AA is SICK. In the general population not everyone is sick buzzkill! Even though I do not believe EVERYONE is sick in AA, I strongly believe that AA meetings are inherently more dangerous because of the high percentage of sick, sociopaths, sex offenders, killers, rapists and financial predators mandated there. That is why there are armed guards in prisons- because so many are dangerous and sick! Also AA does not warn people about the dangers within the rooms of AA, in fact they invite children and teens to the same meetings. Something I do not think Jesus would do imho!

      You are confusing judging others, with using good judgement! AA and NA uses such poor judgement in so many ways. I am not obligated to AA’s slogan of just keeping my side of the sidewalk clean. See I have use of the God given brain I was given, and speak up when I see the atrocities of AA World Services and NA World Services. It is good judgement to protect those that are being abused by 12 steppers. Looking the other way and voting to do nothing about it is poor judgement. I can do this and also not be perfect. How about that?!

      You say AA is not organized.That every single position is voluntary. This is just not true buzzkill. Do you realize how much the AA fat cats in New York City World Services Headquarters make? A pretty penny! AA is a very large Corporation. They are organized at the top level to promote AA to bring in around 16 million a year. Also AA and NA in their approved literature states that they can pay people do do work as well. Many people that do volunteer, do so under great pressure from their sponsor to do service. You know this. You are not considered working a good program unless you are volunteering. In fact AA does not seem to care if this interferes with the persons family life. They want you to put AA and even your church before your family.

      You say AA does not want to get involved in outside issues. Fine. I think rape, 13 stepping, telling people to get off their meds, treasurers stealing, AA and NA members threatening citizens and businesses NOT an outside issue. AA needs to take responsibility for the monster they have created.

      Actually the person who wrote Orange Papers knows a lot about alcoholism, he used to be an alcoholic. You like to downplay that AA/NA members who commit these crimes most likely were not in AA for very long. Well sometimes yes and sometimes no. There have been story after story of AA members who had been sober for decades and sponsoring people have ended up molesting and raping women and children. Of course we cannot forget to mention the rampant 13 stepping by AA elders.

      Let me clarify something else for you. Criticizing outside organizations for not keeping AA in check and also criticizing judges that mandate AA is two totally separate issues. Yes outside organizations are doing nothing to protect the vulnerable in AA/NA. This is wrong. AA needs to be held accountable and mandated to put safety measures in place like most organizations do that deal with minors and other vulnerable people. Here is a website that helps with that

      Now as far as busting the chops of the judges, yes of course this is a problem buzzkill because it is against the constitutional rights to be forced to partake in religion. Also the courts are also putting vulnerable people in danger like minors and young Moms by mandating they go to meetings they know have rapists and other predators there. As far as who’s ultimate fault this is? Many people are at fault. But AA is top of the list. Then the court system and then those in charge to protect minors from harm are failing, the medical field that is pushing the whole bogus ‘disease theory’, just to name a few.

      AA needs to stop saying that AA meetings are just a microcosm of society (they are not-they are a microcosm of are prison population). Then AA needs to stop going after our youth in our schools and telling them AA is a safe place when they KNOW it is not. This is just disgraceful.

      Contrary to popular belief AA is not the only way! There are already alternatives. is one of them. You just do not want to accept this because the alternatives are competition for AA. Not everyone agrees that you need meetings in the first place to recover. Most people statistically recover on there own.

      I hardly think warning the public about the dangers of the rooms of AA and how AA covers this up is hardly wining and moaning! These are cold hard facts that we are serious about letting people be informed about the realities of AA. There is a reason over 95% of people leave AA within the first year! Many go on to quit without AA or find professional addiction counselors who are not 12 steppers themselves to treat them.

      Did you really ask what a safe neighborhood is? Please………

  3. WHat you are doing here on this site is so important. The public has a right to know. The public needs to be empowered to make change and tell this places that they are breaking the law.

  4. Here is another story upsetting parents about sex offenders near their schools-

    ‘Moving’ sign at Portland sex offender treatment center near schools
    By Patrick Preston KATU News and Staff
    Story Updated: Nov 13, 2012

    PORTLAND, Ore. – Hundreds of homeowners are furious they’ve been in the dark about the existence of a sex offender treatment center near their children’s schools for nearly a year.

    There are no signs outside Whole Systems on Milwaukie Avenue, but from the playground of the Boys and Girls Club, the door of the sex offender treatment center can be seen. The Montessori school is also less than 300 feet from the center.

    Tuesday morning, the day after the story aired on KATU News, a sign taped to the inside of the door simply said “MOVING.”

    KATU News is working to find out more information about the possible move.

    Many homeowners are just now learning about the center and some of them expressed fear and anger Monday night at a loud and tense meeting in Sellwood.

    One hundred twenty convicts from Clackamas and Multnomah counties receive court-ordered counseling at the center for crimes such as molestation, possession of child pornography and rape of a minor.

    “You just don’t put this type of population in the middle of a residential neighborhood with lots of stay-at-home moms, lots of young kids,” said Robin Springer, who organized the meeting.

    Whole Systems moved to its current location from Oregon City last December but most of the 100 people who gathered at the meeting never complained because they didn’t know about it.

    “It’s just unconscionable to me; in fact, I find it morally reprehensible,” Springer said.

    Meeting organizers made their goal clear, which is to get the sex offenders out of the neighborhood, but not everybody stuck to that agenda. A few tried to defend the treatment center and one couple was drowned out with applause until they left.

    And the director of Whole Systems, Johneen Manno, crashed the meeting but was asked to leave.

    Outside the meeting, Manno said she’s open to relocating. “I would like to talk to the property owner about that (getting out of the lease) and if he feels it’s a good solution, then absolutely,” she said.

    Manno said she tried to tell the community about the treatment center but few at Monday night’s meeting thought she tried hard enough.

    They’re now telling schools, churches and the rest of the community to talk with kids about the center. And they say they plan to pressure the landlord and whoever else they need to, to remove the sex offenders.

    A sign simply saying “MOVING” appeared in the door of the business Tuesday morning.

  5. What a selfish church to ignore the parents who have been complaining for years! Are they going to wait until something does happen? This is way too close to any close, never less an elementary school. I hope they finally listen to the parents.

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