A Minor was Molested at an Alcoholics ANonymous meeting In Nashville, Tennessee. AA member Jeremy Bartles was arrested for the sexual battery of a young girl during an AA Meeting. The fact that AA General services in New York voted not to implement safety measures to protect it’s members is criminal! Here is the proof in this leaked AA memo!
Minor molested at AA meeting in Nashville
Jul 23, 2012 1:50 PM EDT
Jul 23, 2012 1:50 PM EDT
Jul 23, 2012 2:05 PM EDT
Posted by Chris Hitchcock

Nashville,TN ( WSMV)
A young woman claims she was molested while attending a substance abuse meeting in Nashville. The girl, who is a minor, told her mother 32-year-old Jeremy Bartles grabbed her breast a month ago, and made another attempt to touch her again Sunday.
Bartles is now charged with sexual battery and is in jail on $20,000 bond.
Just one of many NEWS ARTICLES IN THE MONTHLY ARCHIVES OF THIS PUBLIC AWARENESS WEBSITE that raise awareness about the potential for abuse at the unregulated, unsupervised, non-accountable AA/NA meetings.
Even though the headquarters for these organizations are WELL AWARE OF MANY CASES OF ABUSE AND ASSAULT THEY, CHOOSE NOT TO ADMIT that there is a problem. By not admitting that they have a problem they hope to be held non- accountable to avoid the legal ramifications of negligence.
They like to deny and cover up the abuses and the potential for trouble, promoting a dangerous false sense of security!
They know the potential for trouble with the high risk demographic of their members but do not care enough to admit the need to implement the most basic, standard security measures that even a low risk organization would typically have.
They voted NOT to implement safety guidelines or measures that would help protect the unsuspecting who attend meetings. It is a well-known fact that a large percentage of members at a meeting are there because they are court mandated for a wide variety crimes. People don’t know what kind of criminal history the person sitting next to them has at these anonymous meetings and without any safety guidelines they are vulnerable!
Wow- that is pretty cold Joe. AA is creating a perfect storm for sexual abuse of minors at meetings by not having any safety measures in place. Alateen is a 12 step program for minors that do NOT do drugs and do NOT have the courts mandating sexual predators to their meetings, and they have strict guidelines to protect minors. If Alateen can do it- so can AA and NA. Even the Catholic Church now has safety guidelines to protect minors, as does many other organization or service provider for minors.
The rest of society does not have the high concentration of criminals as does AA and NA meetings. More courts and third level providers to the courts are increasingly mandating sexual predators, prostitutes including violent felons. The courts are not mandating anyone to the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or McDonalds.
People are led to believe that AA and NA meetings are a safe harbor for all ages. This is just not true and AA and NA knows it! Stop acting like it is just a microcosm of society when it is not. It has become an arm of the criminal justice system, where no one is too deranged or dangerous to be mandated to 12 step programs.
AA members seem to have such an aversion to any program that is not 12 step. AA is not the only way, there are many other programs that were not based on a madman in 1936.
Yes this behavior only happens in AA/NA meetings and nowhere else in society. Not even treatment centers or whatever program this website is shilling.
Hi Joe, yes, people can get abused and assaulted anywhere. All too often this happens unnecessarily, due to a lack of implementing common sense safety measures where it makes obvious sense to have them!
One of the things that this website is raising awareness about is that Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have made the CONSCIOUS DECISION “NOT TO” implement any security/ safety measures or assume any responsibility or accountability for what happens at their meetings.
WHEN ONE CHECKS THE FACTS AND DOES THE MATH, one finds that THE PERCENTAGE HIGH RISK INDIVIDUALS who attend an AA/NA meeting on any given day is A FAR GREATER CONCENTRATION then one would find almost anywhere other than perhaps the most dangerous neighborhoods or behind bars.
The truth is AA/NA meetings are full of mentally and emotionally disturbed “ANONYMOUS” repeat offenders who these organizations actively pursue, encourage and attract to their meetings. Some have been through the revolving door system, back to meetings over and over again and have been charged with all sorts of numerous, violent crimes. These crimes include but not limited to, theft, purse snatching, carjacking, robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, rape and sexual assault against minors to name a few.
THEY ARE SENT TO AA/NA MEETINGS FROM JAIL AND PRISON TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THEIR RELEASE. Because they are “ANONYMOUS” nobody really knows who they are, what they’ve done, how dangerous they are or what to watch out for. AA/NA KNOWS THIS TO BE TRUE!
Couple this with the fact that AA/NA are run by anonymous unprofessionals, in unsupervised settings, without any or security/safety measures in place.
This public awareness website advocates for SAVE, EFFECTIVE ADDICTION RECOVERY PROGRAMS that are supervised by qualified personnel. We encourage organizations to have natural accountability and care enough to implement common sense safety procedures. It is important that organizations make it a priority to ensure a safe environment for the well-being of their vulnerable members!
Even most small businesses implement some level of security to ensure a degree of safety. Why would huge organizations such as AA/NA make the conscious choice NOT to implement basic procedures of natural accountability and security for the safety of it’s members?
It is unrealistic and irresponsible for AA/NA to knowingly organize non-accountable, unsupervised anonymous gatherings of extremely high-risk individuals, proclaiming that this is a typical microcosm of society!
When a minor gets molested at one of their meetings, they react by giving the typical comeback that we heard from Joe. Is this what they tell the people who have been victims of abuse at their meetings?
I don’t think anyone who looks at the facts is buying what you are “shilling” Joe.