Another Petit Family Cheshire, CT type Alcoholics Anonymous linked murder in Harrison County, Indiana AA General Service Area 22 – Aug 3, 2013

Submitted by JR Harris on Sun, 08/18/2013
In yet another tragic occurrence of Alcoholics Anonymous recruiting from psychiatric hospitals and offering aftercare, Gary Henderson and Asenath Arnold were murdered on August 3, 2013 allegedly by patients released two months prior to the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, just like the murderers of the Petit family in Cheshire, Connecticut recently portrayed on HBO (…). The murders took place in Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Area 22 of Northern Indiana, Harrison County( Please be warned that the following articles contain very graphic material about what AA members, 18 year old Austin Scott and Kevin Andrew “Drew” Schuler allegedly did to 70 year old Gary Henderson and 57 year old Asenath “Senie” Arnold after being released from a psychiatirc hospital to aftercare with Alcoholics Anonymous. Discretion is advised.
Indiana murder suspects were new friends who met at psychiatric hospital
Warning signs preceded brutal murder of Harrison County couple
Aug. 18, 2013 5:02 PM
They met less than two months ago at a psychiatric hospital in Jeffersonville, Ind. — and quickly became fast friends.
Eighteen-year-old Austin Scott was being treated at Wellstone Regional Hospital for depression after breaking up with a girlfriend, “the first love of his life,” said his aunt, Shannon Graham. Holly Hill NA Meetings NA Daytona.
Kevin Andrew “Drew” Schuler, also 18, was there fighting drug addiction, Graham said. His friends said he’d been shooting heroin for the past year.
When they were released, Scott, who usually stayed with his family in a gritty area of downtown New Albany, instead practically moved in with Schuler’s family 16 miles away in bucolic Greenville, where the teens swam, fished and went four-wheeling. Deland Drug Court AA Meetings.
Graham texted Schuler’s mother, Toni Nichols-Schuler, asking if Austin would be safe.
“There is nothing they can get in trouble with out here,” replied Nichols-Schuler, according to a text message Graham showed a reporter. Daytona Drug Court.
“Teenage boys tend to spread their wings, Nichols-Schuler added. “But I think the boys are good support for each other.”
In a recent interview in her home, Graham cried as she reflected on those messages.
“That was so not true,” she said.
Brutal slayings
Scott and Schuler are now charged with murder — and authorities have said they may seek the death penalty — in the deaths of Gary Henderson, 70, and Asenath “Senie” Arnold, 57, of Greenville. They have pleaded not guilty and are being held without bond in the Harrison County jail.
The teens are accused of entering the couple’s unlocked rural home, about 2½ miles from Schuler’s house, about 2 a.m. Aug. 3 and killing both in their beds before ransacking the house for cash, pills and firearms for several hours.
Schuler — who once had cut wood for Henderson and Arnold — told police he punched Arnold, who was disabled, as she lay in a first-floor bedroom, then bludgeoned her with a wooden rod from a horse harness the couple used in their pony- and carriage-ride business, Welcome Home Horse Carriages.
Scott told police that he went to an upstairs bedroom and stabbed Henderson with a knife — 23 times, Harrison County Coroner Rusty Sizemorelater found. The coroner said Arnold’s skull was crushed, and Henderson was lying in a pool of blood.
This entire scene is very reminiscent of the Petit Family Cheshire Connecticut murders…
On June 16, Schuler wrote on Facebook that he had gone to his first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting since getting out of a treatment center last year and that the meetings “truly do help.”
But two weeks later, police arrested him at a drug house in New Albany and charged him and a friend with possession of heroin. Daytona Area 12 step Meetings.
Schuler pleaded not guilty and was released on bond pending trial Oct. 29. Port Orange AA Meetings.
Citing patient confidentiality and privacy rules, Wellstone, a 100-bed psychiatric hospital, declined to comment on whether it had treated Schuler or Scott.
These were two men who did what they wanted when they got release from the hospital. Drew did drugs when he lived at home that’s how he ended up in the hospital and then he returned home to pick up where he started.austin got into trouble every where he went and was dealing with family who also was in trouble with the law.
I just came across this article when I was looking for an update on Schuler and Scott’s trial. First, I would like to point out that whoever wrote this should do more thorough research, because many of your “facts” are incorrect. Second, why is blame being put on AA for the actions of these men? A family member of mine knew both of them and both were drug/alcohol addicted, hence why they were ordered to go to AA. Obviously they relapsed or they wouldn’t have entered that home to steal money and items for drug money. Just because someone relapses does not mean AA is at fault; it means that person was not working the program to their best ability. These men commited a terrible crime, absolutely, but either under the influence or with the intent of using; it wouldn’t have occurred if they had stayed in AA. This website is extremely biased and doesn’t look at the big picture. There are MILLIONS of people in AA who do stay sober and live happy and healthy lives as a direct result of AA’s program- that’s another fact you failed to acknowledge. You also talk about mental illness. If someone is in AA who has mental illness too, there’s a good chance they will need some other form of additional treatment- psychiatric medicine, counseling, etc.- but that does not mean they can’t benefit from AA or that AA is harmful to them. Someone who is drug/alcohol addicted and mentally ill needs treatment for both issues to stay sober. AA and/or NA offer one aspect of treatment for the dual-diagnosed person. I argue all of this as a working member of the medical field and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. I’m also dual-diagnosed. I speak from EXPERIENCE, not opinion. I would not be alive, much less sober, without AA. My brother is alive and sober because of AA, too. It has helped me learn how to overcome my alcoholism AND mental illness and has not harmed me in any way. Yes, sometimes there are people in AA who join with ill intentions and act innappropriately in AA or in their personal lives. However, those people do not make up the majority. I’m not sure if you had a bad experience or hold some other kind of grudge against 12 step programs; if that’s the case, I hope you are able to find forgiveness. Please consider being more open-minded. Judging a book by it’s cover never reveals the truth within the book.
Actually there is no evidence that AA has helped millions. That is a fantasy that AA likes to put out there with the other propaganda they do. AA has harmed millions with only a 3 to 5 % success rate and are responsible for many suicides of there members by telling them to not take their meds. They also like to tell the mentally ill that all they need is AA. Because of all the suicides AA has officially stated that members are not to play doctor, but they turn their backs on the problem by doing nothing when members do. It is just part of the AA culture.
AA has NO business dealing with the mentally ill. This murder proves that along with all the other stories on this site.
This murder did NOT even occur in the District 22….nor is it on the map with this link. The location of the murder was 7 miles north of Corydon IN, which is in Harrison County IN with borders to SOUTH as the Ohio River.
I know that for a FACT. The deceased were friends of mine and I lived there.
I appreciate this info, but that is not really the point of the story. Sorry for the loss of your friends who were murdered by people who were mandated to AA meetings.
It does not matter WHAT your point is. The facts will speak for themselves in a trial in an Indiana courtroom. NOT on any website or by public opinion.
They do, like it or not, have a right to a trial IN a courtroom.
There would be plenty of time after that trial for mere opinions, but NOT mere opinions, that may taint a juror pool.
Maybe not yo you! In the article they both confessed to killing this couple to police. Are you stating you think they lied to police and that they are innocent?
I’m so sorry to hear about your friends I heard that they were wonderful people. Kevin (drew) schuler committed suicide today .11/14/19
I do not see anyplace in the Indianapolis Star article that the pair attended meetings of AA or any other support group. Is there a second source which was used to support this post?
Actually the facts that the teens had started attending AA is documented in many articles.
Warning signs preceded brutal Ind. double slaying – USA Today
Mental hospitals have been dumping the mentally ill onto AA and NA meetings for years. Even the ” Mental Health Courts” designed for the seriously mentally ill criminals are sent to 12 step meetings, putting other members in danger.
That is true. But it is also true that some of the mental health clients are themselves vulnerable.
This is true too. The mentally ill need real help not 12 step cult speak, and not to sent them where they too can be easily victimized or be the perpetrator.
I and many others have experienced unstable AA/NA members spontaneously becoming aggressive and volatile!
There have been numerous incidents of aggression from members of the Daytona Beach AA “Sunrise Group” which ignores their 7th tradition by using Sunrise Park/ Playground in Holly Hill Florida to conduct their business. They refuse to pay rent for an appropriate meeting place.
A few of the many incidents have been written up in police reports, one of which describes a violent member who walked away from the meeting and aggressively threatened park patrons. This member was documented in the police report as starting the incident.
The police narrative describes him LOUDLY yelling and swearing at a Holly Hill police woman, who had to back away from him and call for help as he continued to approach her!
When you look into this man’s criminal history it’s easy to see how this could happen. He has an extensive history of domestic violence and violence in general, including chasing the cable man with a stick and beating up his van with when he came to disconnect service for nonpayment. In that police report narrative, the AA member told the officer that he should have used the stick to beat the cable man!