Bobby Brown was sentenced again to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings three times a week. This is his third DUI conviction. Whitney Houston’s x- husband Bobby Brown does not seemed to have helped being an AA member. He should tell the judge that he wants to try SMART Recovery He might then have a fighting chance.
Bobby Brown sentenced to 55 days in jail on drunk-driving charge
Singer has until March 20 to report to LA jail
By Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 8:56 PM
Singer Bobby Brown’s driver’s license was suspended following a DUI conviction last year.
The troubled singer has been slapped with a 55-day jail sentence after pleading no contest Tuesday to a drunken-driving charge, the gossip website TMZ reported Tuesday.
Brown, 44, the former husband of the late Whitney Houston, has until March 20 to surrender to Los Angeles county jail.
He was also ordered to attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meeting a week until he goes to jail and to complete an 18-month alcohol program as part of his probation.
Brown, a member of the famed group New Edition, was busted in October after cops spotted him driving erratically in Studio City, Calif., pulled him over and smelled alcohol on his breath. He failed a field sobriety test.
It was the third DUI conviction for Brown. His driver’s license was suspended following a DUI conviction last year.
Did Lindsay Lohan smell of alcohol after crash? Claims emerge as prosecutors offer her a ‘no jail’ plea deal and lawyer writes letter to help ‘deeply broken’ actress
Now Lindsey lawyer is asking for her client to be sent to AA meetings again! Does not look like AA has helped Lindsey Lohan or Bobby Brown.
On Tuesday, Lindsay was fined $1000 for failing to make herself available in a civil case deposition
PUBLISHED: 07:23 EST, 27 February 2013
Plea deal: According to TMZ prosecutors are planning on offering Lindsay Lohan a ‘no jail’ plea deal at a meeting taking place on Wednesday
Her lawyer appealed to prosecutors to help ‘fix’ the actress in a desperate bid to keep her out of jail.
And now Lindsay Lohan has been offered a ‘no jail’ plea deal, despite the fact that she smelt of alcohol after her crash last June, TMZ reports.
The gossip website claims that even though police sources said Lindsay’s breathe ‘smelled of alcohol’ and note that ‘a bottle of alcohol was found next to Lindsay’s Porsche’ the Santa Monica City Attorney is said to be willing to offer the actress a deal which would include 60-days in a residential rehab facility.
According to the website the plea bargain also stipulates that Lindsay attends AA meetings and undertakes community service, although the star might be able to complete the work in New York should she accept the deal.
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Pingback: Bobby Brown Mandated To AA Meetings After 3rd DUI Conviction Plus 55 days in Jail- When WIll LA Judges Stop Breaking OUR 1st Amendment RIghts! | Leaving AA
Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew will most likely make some kind of statement about Bobby Brown being mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous being the “ambulance chaser” (or in this case “court AA mandated chaser”) he is. Los Angeles also has another celebrity that Dr. Drew is familiar with. Lindsay Lohan is trying to stay out of jail again and her lawyer Mark Heller is trying for a 60 day Rehab Stay and AA again…..
Of course Lindsay Lohan wasn’t even a “patient” of Dr. Drew, but he “suggested” that her parents plant drugs on her to “force” her into Rehab in 2010. He needs to be yanked from prime time TV and brought up on malpractice charges.
Hopefully Dr. Drew will not be getting involved in this incident. Bobby Brown is the ex-husband of Whitney Houston who has joined the now 13% death rate of Dr. Drew and his gladiator style “tough love” TV show that makes a mockery of Addiction Treatment for fun and profit. Maia Szalavitz just wrote a scathing review of Dr. Drew and his practices on TheFix explaining that his well watched sideshow of Celebrity Rehab is the worst thing you can do to someone that is looking for help.
Is Dr. Drew Too Risky for Prime Time?
By Maia Szalavitz
Thanks for the link JR! I read that article and Maia Szalavitz is right on the money when she talks about Dr. Drew. He is a very dangerous man telling everyone on TV that they have disease. Then he mocks anyone that says it is not and argues that it is a lifelong progressive disease. Hopefully for Bobby Brown Dr. Drew will leave him alone. Yet it would not surprise me if he brings it up on his tv show. He could not stop talking about Whitney Houston when she died. He pissed off the family, too.
Unlike Mindy McCready who’s family called and asked him to call her shortly before her suicide. Dr. Drew is under a lot of scrutiny and criticism right now-thank goodness!