Due to sexual and illegal activity in the bathrooms at Ross Point Riverside Park, in the City of Holly Hill Florida, and without any input from citizens tore down the park bathrooms Monday. Where will people go to the bathrooms now? Right up the street to Sunrise Park Continue reading
Category Archives: City Manager James McCroskey
Daytona Beach NA Member Busted For Meth Lab In Ormond Beach Florida
Ormond Beach Florida resident Christopher Greenbaum and Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous member was busted for having a meth lab at his house. Christopher Greenbaum is a convicted felon with previous arrests for drugs and DUI’s.
When he was busted this week they also found a firearm.
Just the kind of dangerous criminal that you want going to NA meetings in our Holly Hill Fl parks and playgrounds. It goes to show that many who attend NA/AA meetings, have not quit drugs or alcohol at all. This one carried firearms and had a meth lab.
Ormond man charged with manufacturing, trafficking meth
February 22, 2012
An Ormond Beach man was arrested today on multiple drug-related charges after deputies found a methamphetamine lab in his home, a sheriff’s spokesman said.
Volusia County sheriff’s narcotics investigators along with agents with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration raided the home at 73 River Beach Drive about 2:30 p.m. after sheriff’s officials received a tip about possible drug activity in the home, sheriff’s spokesman Brandon Haught said.
When deputies entered the residence, Christopher Greenbaum, 35, was quickly taken into custody. He was the only person inside the home.
Haught said agents found a meth lab in the upstairs bathroom of the home, which required a specially trained cleanup team to safely secure the chemicals. Investigators also recovered 95 grams of meth oil as well as a firearm and ammunition, Haught said.
Greenbaum was charged with manufacture of meth, possession of listed chemicals, trafficking in meth, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. He was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail and is being held without bail.
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PHOTO- Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous / Alcoholics Anonymous Member, Sunrise Park Holly Hill Florida
The day was November 21st 2010 in Volusia County, Sunrise Park in Holly Hill Florida. The local community had rented the pavilion for a Thanksgiving celebration cookout. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and there were ribbons around the pavilion to notify others it had been reserved. Law abiding, local business owners and well respected long time residents were preparing to cook a turkey. Steve who had recently run for the position of Mayor of Holly Hill and had been a long time Boy Scout Master was there to cook the turkey.
At around 11:00 a.m., when The Daytona Beach Area Narcotics Anonymous members were starting to arrive for their Sunday meeting, many NA members were quite upset that the citizens of Holly Hill had actually rented the pavilion. Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous continually refuse to pay rent to secure the pavilion for their scheduled meetings. It was available to rent for those that chose to pay the City of Holly Hill the required fees to reserve it for November 21st 2010.
We were unprepared and shocked for what happened next. A tall biker guy named Terrence, actually walked into the center of the pavilion and started to flex his muscles as if he were Hulk Hogan. He said the words from a beatles song that went, ” Bang, Bang Maxwell silver hammer came down upon her head, Bang bang Maxwell silver hammer made sure she was dead ” while he continued to flex his muscles. Terrence then did a bow to those of us in the pavilion and said, ” I am feeling generous today and will allow you to live another day!”. Needless to say all of us were pretty shocked.
Pictures were taken of this man as he was leaving. He turned and flipped us the bird in a very menacing manner. He then went to his motorcycle and came BACK into the pavilion a 2nd time and told a local Holly Hill citizen, who was a court employee, that he could squash him like a bug. He took out his cell phone, got in our faces and started to take pictures of us. Then he walked over to the NA meeting that was taking place in another part of the park. The Holly Hill Police were called and 3 officers responded to the call. What a relief (we thought).
Little did we know that we would be revictimized again by the very police officers that were called to protect us. They started questioning us in a very hostile tone. Officer Thornton kept demanding to know why we were there. Puzzled by their hostile and odd behavior we kept explaining to her that we had rented the pavilion for a Thanksgiving cookout. We showed them the big Turkey that we were cooking as well. The police were asked by one of the victim’s “is there a problem with the citizens renting out the pavilion? ” Officer Thornton answered quickly, that she thought it was ” MALICIOUS” to rent the pavilion! This was one of many inappropriate and shocking comments coming from Officer Thornton and the other policeman. ( Formal complaints have been filed against Officer Thornton and The Holly Hill Police Department). Officer Angelo Alexogiannis stated that he used to work at The Stewart Marchman Rehab Center and sympathized with the NA members. They showed no concern or interest whatsoever for our safety, or in what had just happened. They exhibited a strong bias in favor of the NA group. They seemed to be joined at the hip. Later it started to make more sense as we learned of Officer Thornton’s own colorful background.
When we had identified the man who had harassed and threatened us, the police said that they knew who he was. They then went over to the large NA meeting taking place and talked and laughed with them a bit, including the member that threatened and harassed us. The officers came back and said to stay away from one another, and allowed this man to remain at the park! He was not arrested or trespassed from the park. One officer asked if their was anything else he could do. We asked if charges could be pressed for threatening us. They said no, there was nothing we could do. Could we fill out a report? No-we could not fill out a report.Then Officer Angelo Alexogiannis was asked if he would at least fill out a report stating what had happened. He promised he would indeed do that.
Well this initially put a damper on the festivities, we made the best out of it and enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. It was enjoyed by many from the local community.
The following week the police report was requested from the Holly Hill PD. There was a report # given and the incident call, but no actual report. We were later told by staff that the officer decided not to do a report after all! This was knowing that a report was requested and it had been promised. This appears to be an attempt to cover up the incident to protect the image of Daytona Narcotics Anonymous and the identity of Terrence, the long time NA member that harassed us.
To our complete surprise there were 2 incidents that day at the park. One had a report and the other did not. Both of them shocked us. Where local citizens were threatened there was no report, only a short statement in the incident log stating that the incident was caused by the victim who was threatened and called the police! Also, even though the police stated they knew who the perpetrator was and spoke to him, they did not put his name in the incident log. It’s a good thing citizens were wise enough to get the licence plate of the man,and were able to identify him, Terrence T. This was another rude awaking as to how the police were protecting the NA members, and what a cozy relationship they had with them. We knew then, that the Holly Hill PD and Chief Mark Barker were not going to protect the citizens and local business owners from the harassment and threats by NA members.
Then there was the 2nd report. A woman named Danielle went to the police station later in the afternoon on the day of the incident and filed a report stating that a woman was following her 8 year old daughter around the park with a video camera! At the time it was was not known, but it became clear in the following months that Danielle was the treasurer for the entire Daytona Area Narcotics Anonymous. No where in the report did she state any connection to the earlier incident or that she was affiliated with NA.This was a false report filed by Danielle. This is a crime. She said in her report that the person who she accused of filming her daughter was the lady who owned the store across the street. The owner of the store across the street just happened to be the same person that called the police on Terrence the NA member, and was part of the Thanksgiving party at the pavilion. The owner of the store did not own a video camera. No pictures were taken of her daughter, and certainly the owner was not following a child around taking pictures! This was an obvious attempt by Danielle to start her initial process of setting up the convenience store owner for retaliation. Diabolical indeed! Mark Barker went along with it hook line and sinker. This was the beginning of Danielle making multiple false accusations when calling police against the owner, along with lying to the the commissioners at a City Hall meeting, stating we were dumping cigarette butts on the ground, and blaming it on NA members was just one of the outlandish claims.
Citizens asked to fill out a report that November 21st day, we were denied this right. Yet Danielle was able to waltz into the police department later and file a false police report, which was very oddly written. Neither the police or Danielle were too worried about it, as no one ever came to talk to the owner of the store who was accused of following a child in the park and videotaping her. You would think that a concerned mother would ask the person themselves why they were taking pictures of their daughter, if it actually happened. Of course that was another lie. Danielle is not the mother of the child she was referring to to but her Aunt. She is the daughter of her brother who has a lengthy criminal background.
We soon realized the depth that Holly Hill PD would go to protect NA / AA members. NA members were fabricating stories and lying about the events of that day. Then Narcotics Anonymous World Services in California said that their policy was to do nothing about criminal matters by their own members. We then knew the extent of what we were up against. NAWS advice was to just call the police and that this was a police matter and has nothing to do with them. Well that was, and still is a joke as time would continue to demonstrate the bias of the Holly Hill PD. We knew then that a grass roots effort had to be initiated to expose this fiasco.
Photo of Daytona NA Member Terrence coming back into the pavilion a second time and threatening to squash a citizen like a bug.
On September 10th 2011 Hollyland Park, Holly Hill Florida, The Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous Area Group sponsored a softball tournament that included NA Groups from other Florida counties. There was a fight that broke out between two Daytona NA members, and one of the members responded by swinging an aluminum baseball bat at this person. According to an inside source that was a witness, if the guy would not have ducked when he saw the bat coming at him, it would have killed him. NA members broke up the fight. There were many witnesses, and the victim called the police. Now wouldn’t you know that Holly Hill PD did not get the name of the person who tried to kill this guy? No official report was written on this incident. No charges were filed.
When the Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous Group reserved the field they did not take out a special use permit for this very large event with over 100 people. This happened in Hollyland Park / Centennial Park right across the street from the Holly Hill PD. With an event that size there should have been a special event form filled out, and police present at the event. Failing to hold this event according to Holly Hill’s special use permit guidelines almost cost someone their life! It could still cost someone their life in the future, because this nut is still on the loose and has already shown he is capable of trying to kill someone.
There were no arrests made. I would bet Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous members talked the victim out of pressing charges, as an attempt to keep bad press down and not to expose members identity. They already know that much has been written about their horrendous behavior in Holly Hill Parks. Some things are hard to keep a secret when you have a ton of witnesses. It’s a good thing this NA member lived to tell about this fight, not all Narcotics Anonymous members do. Hiding this just enables this sort of behavior, letting dangerous perpetrators hide behind anonymity.
Is the City of Holly Hill going to wait until someones’ head is bashed in before they try to make the parks a safer place?
Here is an article where an AA sponsor was killed when attacked with a baseball bat by his court mandated mentally ill AA sponsee.
This is becoming more and more common at AA meetings.Since Drug Courts started mandating AA/NA meetings over 20 years ago,and these courts have exploded across this country.So has the reporting of violence in relation to these meetings. Men,women and children have been traumatized for decades by 13 steppers,felons, financial and sexual predators that were their fellow members.
Is it going to take a tragedy in Holly Hill Florida for the City to protect children and families from court mandated,government sponsored 12 step meetings located in their playgrounds to do something? There has been cries for help from locals to the police and commissioners after threats of violence.Yet NOTHING. Liz Towsley Patton stated about the appearance of city officials looking like they are in bed with someone,she has a point. The City does looks like they are in bed with many folks.Where does it end? When will it end?
Fugitive sought for shooting of pregnant woman in Baldwin Park
BALDWIN PARK – Police Thursday sought the public’s help in tracking down a Baldwin Park man who accused of shooting a pregnant woman in the head after getting into a fight with her husband at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Omar Martinez, 19, is wanted for attempted murder, Baldwin Park police Lt. David Reynoso said. He’s believed to be hiding in the West Covina or Los Angeles areas.
Martinez was attending a court-ordered AA meeting about 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at a church at Los Angeles Street and Stewart Avenue when he got into a fight with another man in his 20s who was attending the meeting, police said.
The fight was broken up and the men separated and left, Reynoso said.
“The intended victim left the meeting and entered a vehicle driven by his pregnant wife,” Baldwin Park police said in a written statement. “Suspect
Martinez followed the intended victim and shot twice at the vehicle as it left.”
The woman driving the car was struck in the back of the head, Reynoso said. She was initially hospitalized in critical condition, however she’s since been updated to stable condition.
Police have learned the woman was several weeks into a pregnancy at the time she was shot, and has since miscarried.
“At this time, we haven’t been able to determine if the miscarriage is related to the crime,” Reynoso said.
Martinez fled after the shooting and hasn’t been seen since, Reynoso said.
He was immediately identified as the shooter by witnesses who knew him
from the AA group, and he left his AA membership card behind when he fled the scene, the lieutenant said.
YOUTUBE VIDEO of AA Meeting Shooting At Baldwin Park-
Rommel Scalf Quits Holly Hill PD After String Of Taser Abuses
Now after one reads this article, one is left with more questions than answers about the internal affairs of Holly Hill PD. Rommel Scalf had numerous previous complaints over excessive force using a taser gun. Instead of firing him for so many infractions he was instead given a desk job by then Commander Mark Barker, to head the Crime Prevention Community Relations Department. This included the ‘ Explorers’ , a youth group learning about police work. Barker is quoted as saying he ” thrived” in that position. That is until he used excessive force again with a taser gun he was not even allowed to have.
This story is not just a reflection on Rommel Scalf behavior. It draws a bigger picture of of the inner workings and mindset of the top brass in the Holly Hill Police Department. You certainly come away from the article feeling like there were many standards of professionalism not followed at the department for quite some time. I doubt Scalf thought he would even lose his job over it, but it did catch up with him.
This information was suppressed involving Janet Hawkins and Scalf during her trial when he arrested her. Holly Hill was withholding evidence to protect there own as long as they could.
Officer quits after Taser misuse
April 29 th 2011
HOLLY HILL — The Holly Hill policeman who scuffled with a Daytona Beach detective he arrested resigned after a string of incidents in which he misused a Taser, according to documents obtained this week.
In the latest incident, former officer Rommel Scalf pressed the trigger of his supervisor’s Taser — while it was still in the corporal’s hand — stunning a domestic violence suspect. But Scalf was not supposed to handle that weapon. Misuse of his Taser in other incidents prompted his supervisors to prohibit him from carrying one, according to Scalf’s internal affairs file.
Scalf, a 13-year Holly Hill officer, shot suspect Troy Foster the first time on a February afternoon. Following that, Scalf yelled for someone to give him a Taser and he shot Foster once in the side and again in the back while the handcuffed man was being led away by another officer, an internal affairs report shows.
Besides shooting a handcuffed suspect three times, Scalf also placed one of his colleagues in danger, the report shows.
Scalf, who resigned from Holly Hill police on March 17, declined comment for this article. But news of his resignation surfaced last week during the one-day trial of former Daytona Beach detective Janet Hawkins. Scalf arrested Hawkins on Sept. 22, 2009, at a traffic stop. Hawkins, 47, is awaiting sentencing on a charge of resisting without violence, a misdemeanor.
Testimony at the Hawkins trial and an internal affairs file at Holly Hill police revealed that the 45-year-old Scalf was not permitted to carry a Taser because of complaints about his use of force in the past.
In 2007, according to his internal affairs file, Scalf deployed his Taser 16 times. After that then-Police chief Don Shinnamon wanted him monitored closely, the internal affairs file shows.
In early 2008, Scalf met with trouble again, however.
On Jan. 12, Scalf blasted a handcuffed suspect with his Taser while the man sat in a patrol car. Scalf also kicked the man and punched him in the abdomen, his internal affairs file shows.
That incident prompted Police Chief Mark Barker — who was a commander at the time — to strip Scalf of his Taser-carrying privilege.
Shortly thereafter, Scalf was placed in the police department’s Crime Prevention Community Relations division, where Barker said Scalf “thrived.”
Then, on Feb. 28, police received the domestic violence call at the Foster residence on 10th Street.
Scalf responded as a backup officer for Cpl. Jeff Traylor — Scalf’s supervisor on that call — Cpl. Chris Yates and Officer Jason Weiss.
When police arrived at Foster’s home, he had bolted after striking his girlfriend on the chest. The suspect returned to the house then ran back out and Scalf gave chase. As Scalf ran, he tripped on some vegetation and cut his face when he hit the ground. Foster then ran into his home and locked himself in a bathroom.
That’s when Scalf — according to the internal affairs investigation — lost it.
He yelled at Traylor — his supervisor — to “kick in the door,” the report shows. Before the door was opened, Scalf yelled “When you see that mother (expletive deleted) shoot him!”
When the door opened, Foster was not violent; he verbally resisted when Traylor tried to handcuff him. At that Scalf yelled at Traylor: “Shoot that mother (expletive deleted) Jeff!” Traylor pointed his weapon at Foster as he assessed the situation, the report says. But that enraged Scalf even more, the report shows. He then yelled an obscenity at his supervisor.
At that point, Scalf advanced toward Traylor and pulled the trigger on Traylor’s Taser, the internal affairs report shows. A barb penetrated Foster’s torso, the report shows. As the suspect was handcuffed and being led away by Yates, Scalf yelled, “Someone give me a Taser!”
The officer who was leading Foster to the patrol car had to move to avoid getting struck by the Taser’s barb, the report shows.
At the time none of the officers at the scene knew Scalf was not supposed to have a Taser, the report says. It’s not clear whether one of the officers handed him the weapon or Scalf grabbed it, but Scalf was able to shoot Foster in the side as he walked away with Yates.
When Foster suddenly stopped, Scalf shot him again, this time striking him in the back, the report shows.
The officers who witnessed Scalf’s actions were stunned, the report says.
“It appeared to other officers and supervisors present that Officer Scalf was out of control, emotionally unstable and highly agitated during the encounter,” the report says. “His use of the term ‘Shoot that mother (expletive deleted)’ escalated an already tense situation.”
Barker said his officers are supposed to deploy their Tasers only when a person physically resists an officer’s commands.
While he said Scalf was “highly intelligent” and had received several commendations throughout his career with the department, Barker also said he cannot tolerate such behavior.
“His conduct at the scene that day was obviously unacceptable,” Barker said this week.
Governor Asked For Outside Investigation of Holly Hill Police
Gov. asked for outside investigation of Holly Hill police By LYDA LONGA Staff Writer July 02, 2008
An attorney for Holly Hill’s top police brass is asking the governor’s office to appoint an outside state attorney to investigate criminal allegations hurled by a city commissioner at the two highest-ranking officers.
![]() Towsley
The three-page letter to Gov. Charlie Crist was sent Tuesday and in it, attorney Mike Lambert details the two-year saga involving City Commissioner Liz Towsley, Public Safety Director Don Shinnamon and Cmdr. Mark Barker.
“. . . the appointment by you of an outside state attorney to conduct this investigation will put an end to the turmoil that has been generated and perpetuated by these complaints,” Lambert wrote to Crist. “Whoever you would choose is acceptable to these two law enforcement officers and not someone Elizabeth Towsley could complain of or claim a special relationship.”
Holly Hill Florida Looks at AA NA Meeting Procedures in the Parks
January 10, 2011
HOLLY HILL – Children romping on playground equipment at Sunrise Park giggled and shouted in the dark recently, under the watchful eyes of their aunt, Beth Thomason.
Commissioner Rick Glass said he’s anticipating help from the city attorney at the workshop. “I have had many, many people call, and I just got off the phone with a citizen who was talking about it,” Glass said. “They want (sign-up) procedures put in place for parties – basic policies like other cities have, where parties of 20 or 25 people have to pull a permit.” Park regulations for municipalities at municode.com show other cities, including Ormond Beach and Edgewater, regulate many issues from conduct and park hours to penalties. Barker said “right now, to control certain behaviors,” other regulations are used – not park specific – such as laws covering alcoholic beverages, firearms and public safety issues.
Commissioner Liz Towsley Patton said the issue has been discussed before – not at length. “We will look at all sides and decide,” she said. “I am open to that, but, do I think we need to shut parks off to groups or go through a certain process? No.” Commissioner Donnie Moore said: “As it stands right now . . . I do see some issues, and we can work on that.” Moore said requiring reservations by large groups might be considered, but he also hopes to designate playgrounds as non-smoking areas. Commissioner Roy Johnson said he aims to find “what is best for everybody,” but not “restrict people from using the park.” A local business operator across from the park believes the city should regulate park use. “I am in a little store where people stop to get their whatnots, and they say what’s on their mind. I have heard grumblings,” said Mr. Sanderford. He spends seven weekdays operating Holly Hill River Mart, and said local residents complain about meeting groups monopolizing the park and the parking. The complaints resulted in a petition asking city lawmakers to look at the issue, he said.
Former mayoral candidate Steve Smith presented the petition. Barker said an unsigned copy of the petition is on record. Smith said his trouble at the park began while running for mayor. He reserved the pavilion once a week for 10 weeks, having cookouts and campaigning, but encountered harassment and disagreeable persons in a group meeting at the park pavilion with no reservation, he said. “The city should limit (the number of) times,” of use by large groups, Smith said, and all groups “should be submitting some remittance to the city for the maintenance of the park.”
Smith also had a solution.
“The thing that is missing is, we don’t have a leisure services or parks director, so there is nothing scheduled.” Organized activities would help, he said.
Below is an excerpt from Hollyhell.com.Looks like the writer was right. McCrowskey DID demand more money from Holly Hill and got it! Sounds like his days were numbered at Daytona Shores-So why is the City of Holly Hill overpaying McCrowskey even against very vocal citizens opposed to it? Seems like the citizens are getting chewed up and spit out! We dont even have safe parks but McCrowskey wanted a raise even though he has been quoted as saying Holly Hill doesnt have enough money to fix a pot hole!
PS-He wont protect the children or locals in the parks from the harassment of Daytona AA or NA meetings either……..
James McCroskey Named New Holly Hill City Manager – 1/31/11
PREDICTION from the “Inside”: James McCroskey New Holly Hill City Manager
Currently making about $125,000 per year as the Assistant City Manager in Daytona Beach Shores, Jim McCroskey is stepping up to become the City Manager on a six month trial basis in Holly Hill.
Despite the city offering a paltry $95,500 City Manager contract, and with no severance package, Holly Hill received over 25 applications but only a dozen or so met the criteria of a 4 years college degree and 5 years experience.
With Holly Hill uncermoniously firing their City Manager Oel Wingo and renegging on her severance package, one has to wonder what McCroskey’s motivation is. Obviously on the surface job security is not on the table, that is unless there is a deal “under” the table.
McCroskey handles the CRA in Daytona Beach Shores and his contract was nearing an end, plus with the property values in decline, the CRA was not in a healthy financial position and cannot continue to sustain paying McCroskey for his CRA duties. No money, no plan. But McCroskey is a very capable manager. Let’s hope he doesn’t get chewed up and spit out by commissioners who don’t get their way.
Remember that in 6 months McCroskey will be able to get more money or he will tell the commission to start looking again. Also, remember that three votes controls.
Watch close citizens, this hiring deal was made by more than one elected official out of the public eye and smacks of Sunshine Law violations.
Listen in to the negotiations and “voting” in the workshop of 2/1/11. Of course they cannot vote in a workshop, but they may choose and bring it to the agenda for Feb. 8th.
Watch and see. From the “See all – Know all” from the inside.