Monica Richardson grass roots founder to stop 13 stepping in AA, financial scams, sexual abuse and murder and rape in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, will be interviewed by Katie Couric Tuesday July 16th 2013 at 3:00 p.m. Along with with well known author Gabrielle Glaser for her new book that was released by Simon and Shuster ” Her Best Kept Secret- Why Women Drink and How They Can Regain Control”.
A Must Watch!
Gabrielle Glaser in her book explains why AA is not the answer for many women and also interviewed Monica Richardson for her book that she devotes an entire chapter to.
Monica Richardson discusses as a previous 36 year AA member about the dangers of court mandates and the crime that happens when you co mingle vulnerable members of society and violent court mandates and sexual predators. Court mandating is being done against people’s constitutional rights as AA has been determined to be religious enough that no one should be forced to go. Yet this happens in our courts every day by Judges.
This information about the ineffectiveness and the real dangers of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous is much needed to inform the public that there is more effective treatment and that AA or NA is not a safe place to send your loved ones- especially teens.
Monica Richarson has a website www.leavingaa.com and http://stop13stepinaa.wordpress.com/ that is a must read for those that want to learn more about these important issues. She also has her own popular Blog Talk Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/saferecovery
She was interviewed by Big John Radio Show in Daytona Beach about 2 years ago that sent a wake up call to many listeners. Monica did an interview herself with a local business owner who had been threatened by Daytona AA and Daytona NA members in the City of Holly Hill with no help from Holly Hill PD or the City of Holly Hill in Volusia County Florida. Those events inspired the website www.nadaytona.org about the 12 step madness in Holly Hill and around the world.