NA Daytona Beach/Holly Hill Fl ‘By Young Addicts For Young Addicts’

Here we go with NA promoting the attendance of teens with there own brochure just for youth. Read it and weep. Unbelievable.This should be against the law to treat minors without a substance abuse treatment license.

Here is a pathetic excerpt encouraging minors to talk to Narcotics Anonymous about their experiences with sex and orientation! NA has no business encouraging minors to speak to untrained and non professional members including sexual offenders and violent felons about their sex life. Sounds perverted.Cant believe NA has this in a printed booklet for minors.

Sex, Drugs, and . . .
As young members, coming to terms with our sexuality 
in recovery can be difficult. Our experiences with sex 
can include anything from our sexual orientation to 
break-ups, pregnancy, unmanageability, confusion, 
and shame or guilt about things we’ve done or things 
that happened to us. We’ll hear lots of opinions and 
suggestions about sex and relationships in recovery. 
We may not always listen to what others have to say, 
but we can make an effort to talk openly with our 
sponsor and other members we trust. Sometimes 
our feelings about sex and relationships make drugs 
start to seem like a solution again. Instead, we share 
what we’re going through and ask for guidance 
and support. Recovery will help us get through 
our feelings clean. When we share honestly about 
ourselves, we’re an example for others.