Many agree with this letter to the editor!
We can do better than 12 steps
Letter to the editor
Posted: 04/17/2013
Our number one problem (health and otherwise) in Humboldt County is drugs? We treat our alcohol and drug problems with an 85-year-old prescription. I am talking to you, doctors. If your doctor treated your cancer the same way doctors did 85 years ago, you might get a new doctor. The emotional claims that 12-step programs work are over-blown and largely unrealized. It matters if Alcoholics Anonymous works or not. After all, we send our family members to 12-step programs in order for them to get help. We send criminals to 12-step programs for them to get God, stop crime, and clean up our cities. But 12-step programs do not work for most people, so, let’s quit wasting everyone’s money and time on the 12-step movement.
And the anti-progress aspect of the 12-step systems? Their language is archaic. Their practices are almost medieval. They are very much a sexist organization in their language, at least.
”Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” Our kids deserve better!
Let’s find a better way. NADaytona
Rick Boman