Due to sexual and illegal activity in the bathrooms at Ross Point Riverside Park, in the City of Holly Hill Florida, and without any input from citizens tore down the park bathrooms Monday. Where will people go to the bathrooms now? Right up the street to Sunrise Park Continue reading
Tag Archives: Holly Hill Fl Parks and NA AA meetings
AA Member Bronco Branko Busick West Virginia Linebacker Sentenced In Felony Assault
Amazing, no jail time for AA Member Branko Busick who was arrested on felony assault charges. Even though a gun was used in one of the assaults that included robbery, this man walks free. His AA sponsor was a character reference, and spoke about Branko Busick at trial! So much for AA trying to say they are not affiliated with the judicial system, and helping criminals with the “AA get out of jail card!” Continue reading
Daytona Beach NA Member Busted For Meth Lab In Ormond Beach Florida
Ormond Beach Florida resident Christopher Greenbaum and Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous member was busted for having a meth lab at his house. Christopher Greenbaum is a convicted felon with previous arrests for drugs and DUI’s.
When he was busted this week they also found a firearm.
Just the kind of dangerous criminal that you want going to NA meetings in our Holly Hill Fl parks and playgrounds. It goes to show that many who attend NA/AA meetings, have not quit drugs or alcohol at all. This one carried firearms and had a meth lab.
Ormond man charged with manufacturing, trafficking meth
February 22, 2012
An Ormond Beach man was arrested today on multiple drug-related charges after deputies found a methamphetamine lab in his home, a sheriff’s spokesman said.
Volusia County sheriff’s narcotics investigators along with agents with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration raided the home at 73 River Beach Drive about 2:30 p.m. after sheriff’s officials received a tip about possible drug activity in the home, sheriff’s spokesman Brandon Haught said.
When deputies entered the residence, Christopher Greenbaum, 35, was quickly taken into custody. He was the only person inside the home.
Haught said agents found a meth lab in the upstairs bathroom of the home, which required a specially trained cleanup team to safely secure the chemicals. Investigators also recovered 95 grams of meth oil as well as a firearm and ammunition, Haught said.
Greenbaum was charged with manufacture of meth, possession of listed chemicals, trafficking in meth, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. He was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail and is being held without bail.
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Holly Hill Florida Looks at AA NA Meeting Procedures in the Parks
January 10, 2011
HOLLY HILL – Children romping on playground equipment at Sunrise Park giggled and shouted in the dark recently, under the watchful eyes of their aunt, Beth Thomason.
Commissioner Rick Glass said he’s anticipating help from the city attorney at the workshop. “I have had many, many people call, and I just got off the phone with a citizen who was talking about it,” Glass said. “They want (sign-up) procedures put in place for parties – basic policies like other cities have, where parties of 20 or 25 people have to pull a permit.” Park regulations for municipalities at municode.com show other cities, including Ormond Beach and Edgewater, regulate many issues from conduct and park hours to penalties. Barker said “right now, to control certain behaviors,” other regulations are used – not park specific – such as laws covering alcoholic beverages, firearms and public safety issues.
Commissioner Liz Towsley Patton said the issue has been discussed before – not at length. “We will look at all sides and decide,” she said. “I am open to that, but, do I think we need to shut parks off to groups or go through a certain process? No.” Commissioner Donnie Moore said: “As it stands right now . . . I do see some issues, and we can work on that.” Moore said requiring reservations by large groups might be considered, but he also hopes to designate playgrounds as non-smoking areas. Commissioner Roy Johnson said he aims to find “what is best for everybody,” but not “restrict people from using the park.” A local business operator across from the park believes the city should regulate park use. “I am in a little store where people stop to get their whatnots, and they say what’s on their mind. I have heard grumblings,” said Mr. Sanderford. He spends seven weekdays operating Holly Hill River Mart, and said local residents complain about meeting groups monopolizing the park and the parking. The complaints resulted in a petition asking city lawmakers to look at the issue, he said.
Former mayoral candidate Steve Smith presented the petition. Barker said an unsigned copy of the petition is on record. Smith said his trouble at the park began while running for mayor. He reserved the pavilion once a week for 10 weeks, having cookouts and campaigning, but encountered harassment and disagreeable persons in a group meeting at the park pavilion with no reservation, he said. “The city should limit (the number of) times,” of use by large groups, Smith said, and all groups “should be submitting some remittance to the city for the maintenance of the park.”
Smith also had a solution.
“The thing that is missing is, we don’t have a leisure services or parks director, so there is nothing scheduled.” Organized activities would help, he said.
A few individuals hinted at the value of self-help groups using the park often, and one person even said the groups using Sunrise Park on weekends had relocated. Not until the commission closed public discussion did the crux of the issue surface clearly. “This has turned into a battle of two worlds, and I don’t think we should be in the middle,” said Commissioner Liz Towsley Patton. “There’s no secret we are here because of the NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings at the park. I don’t think we are here to micromanage public parks.”
But Commissioner Donnie Moore had a different take, and said he had spent two hours speaking with park officials in Daytona Beach. He recommended the city attorney, who was not present, get with the Daytona Beach city attorney and park staff to come up with rules applicable to all who use the park.
The policy being discussed encompassed 13 rules laid out by acting Police Chief Steve Aldridge. The rules included such items as smoking in designated areas, pet rules, no alcoholic beverages except by permit at organized events, no littering, no discharge of firearms, designated parking and no children on the playground before sunrise or after sunset. Penny said he was comfortable with Aldridge’s list and recommended the list be forwarded for action at a future commission meeting.
Commissioners agreed to look at giving designated smoking areas a 90-day trial, and to ask the city attorney to speak with park officials in Daytona Beach to better understand the issues.
Inmates Going To Outside NA and AA Meetings Escapes
Many inmates are allowed out on day passes to attend AA/NA meetings in your community ! Some escape and commit more crimes.