Daytona Beach Florida May 11th 2011 Police Chief Mike Chitwood death threats increase after recent raids and multiple drug arrests of the city’s most hardened criminals.
Chitwood is known for being tough on crime. But the collateral damage is these people end up being mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. In nearby Holly Hill Fl, Daytona Beach NA and AA come to our parks and playgrounds to have meetings. Chitwood does not tolerate this in his town where there are many more parks than Holly Hill has.There is not 1 meeting listed that is located in a Daytona Park/Playground. We are the dumping ground for these hardened criminals. When will the City of Holly Hill Fl address this safety issue crisis? They need to take a page from Chitwood’s book. Volusia County needs to look how there policies of mandated Daytona NA AA meetings are hurting the local communities and putting there citizens at risk.