Osceola County Sex Sting Arrests 40 Potential Future AA Members
How many of these men wil go on to court mandated AA and NA meetings where other minors attend? Scary, huh?
Sex sting: Pro golfer, teacher, students among 40 arrested Continue reading
AA Member Convicted In 140 Million Dollar Conspiracy That Defrauded Investors Over 8 Years
This guy is in deep typical AA denial. He said he did not mean to cheat anyone. Everyone else is lying. Even fellow AA members testified on his behalf. Yet he still will have to sit behind bars for 12 years and give up 50 million dollars! Incredible! Continue reading
Child Porn Hoarder Turns To Alcoholics Anonymous After Busted With 300 Videos And 8300 Pictures
This sicko, was busted with tons of child porn by his own son! He is in jail awaiting sentence, and I am sure trying to get a lighter sentence with the ” AA get out of jail card ” turned to AA meetings and ministry classes. Continue reading
EX-AA Member Bashes AA To Judge Stating They Depress Everyone Around Them
Michael Braun 23, was on his 3rd DWI, and had been mandated to AA before. It obviously had not worked for him, and he told the judge as much. He asked that he not be mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous this time stating ” “They’re not happy people,” Braun said. “They depress everyone around them.”
Mandated AA Member Sexual Predator On Probation Breaks Into 2 Womens Florida Homes
Elton P. Croft who has done 9 years in prison as a pedophile, and is a level 3 sexual predator, was on probation when he broke into 2 a homes in Jacksonville, Florida. He had drug paraphernalia and marijuana on him when the police arrested him. These are the type of people sent to the same AA and NA meetings as children and teenagers! Continue reading
This ex Cop killed 4 people while driving drunk going to work at the police station. A 24 year old pregnant woman, her 4 year old son and her 16 year old sister. The baby died later after delivery.He has since become an AA Member. Continue reading
AA Member Claims To Be Sexually Abused By Fellow AA Member
This AA Member states he was sexually abused by a fellow member.
Alcoholics Anonymous. A FRIEND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!! MORE INFO…WOW. PLEASE READ… Continue reading
We have the same problem in Holly Hill Florida At Sunrise Park, Holly Land Park, & Centennial Park where AA & NA Meetings take place without a permit and against zoning regulations. The City Of Daytona Beach Fl does not tolerate the violation of their zoning ordinances. So the Volusia County Intergroup AA & Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous come to Holly Hill and violate our zoning laws! Continue reading
Detroit Students Witness Judge Violate The Constitution By Mandating Alcoholics Anonymous Without Secular Option
West Bloomfield students got to witness first hand our judicial system violating our constitution and mandating DUI offenders to Alcoholics Anonymous. Maybe the students need to teach the judge that they are violating the constitution without offering a secular choice like www.smartrecovery.org
Man Who Knifed Dog Runs To Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings For Lighter Sentence
This man went and ran to AA Meetings after stabbing his girlfriends Beagle mix dog to get a lighter sentence! Continue reading
AA Member Mark Criswell Of Daytona Beach Gets Slap On The Wrist For Felony Battery Of David Summers
What a miscarriage of justice in the sentencing of Daytona Beach AA Member Mark Criswell ! The victim’s attorney was not even there during the sentencing. It seems Judge Joseph Will was impressed with the fact that Criswell had went to Vince Carter Sanctuary, which is based on the 12 step model. Continue reading
Daytona Beach Official Mandated To Alcoholics Anonymous For Biketoberfest Beating
Judge Will mandated violent felon Mark Criswell to AA Meetings and probation. No jail time. After the severe beating of a man during Biketoberfest, this man gets the AA get out of jail card!
Did Judge Will offer Mark Criswell a secular option? Does not sound like it. This is a violation of the constitution.
Baclofen Shows Hope For Drug And Alcohol Addiction
This is rich! Even with indications of the drug Baclofen for drug and alcohol addiction, AA member and representitive ‘Paul’ of YAIG Intergroup states he thinks “NOTHING” can replace the 12 step program. ‘Billy’ of YAIG Intergroup also states alcoholism and drug addiction is a disease. Continue reading
AA Meetings Mandated For Man Who Assaulted Cop And Threatened Sister With A Kitchen Knife
This Man was threatening his sister with a knife, and assaulted a cop when they tried to arrest him. He got the AA get out of jail card!
Mandated California AA Member Charged In Attempted Murder In Mesa Stabbings
Sean Michael Crane 23, has been charged with attempted murder. He had been sentenced to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for previous felonies. There are some very dangerous people being sent to the rooms everyday. Beware! Continue reading
Pedophile Banker Mandated To Alcoholics Anonymous As Part Of Plea Deal To Not Be Registered As Sex Offender
More proof of pedophiles being mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous. This sick man, who was the president of a bank, did a plea deal that included going to AA meetings. This way he would not be registered as a sex offender! I cannot believe these judges are mandating these men to AA meetings where children and minors are present! AA and NA are in on it too! Disgusting behavior on the part of the judges and AA World Services & Narcotics Anonymous World Services. Continue reading
Convicted Killer Get Passes From Prison To Attend Canadian Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
Canadian NA Member Dana Melkerk, and convicted killer gets passes from jail to attend outside Narcotics Anonymous Meetings within the community. Anyone attending 12 step meetings please be careful, you could be sitting next to a killer! Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Member Arrested For Assaulting A Police Officer
Court mandated Tennessee AA Member Jennifer Lynn Boyance decided to get super drunk before her AA meeting, and never quite made it there. Instead she ended up being charged with assaulting a police officer!
Continue reading
Bandidos Bikie Gang Member Brian Neville Peters and NA Member Sentenced In Major Drug Sting
Brian Neville Peters Narcotics Anonymous member, and a member of the Bandidos outlaw bikie gang, was sentenced to less than 2 years in a huge drug case involving the Gold Coast illegal drug trade and kingpin Daniel Kalaja. This is one of Australia’s largest drug syndicates! Continue reading
AA Member Leslie Haun Diagnosed With Schizoaffective Disorder Murdered AA Member Shain Pierce
Apr. 16, 2012
COVINGTON — Leslie Haun told a state psychiatrist that he isn’t convinced the man he is accused of beating to death with an aluminum bat and table leg is actually dead. Continue reading