Alcoholics Anonymous Sponsor Found Mary Kennedy After Suicide
Mary Kennedy was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous at the time of her suicide. She was also not drinking at the time either. Her new AA sponsor of 5 weeks is the one that found her hanging. Continue reading
Tammy Callen Speaks Out Over The Murder Of AA Sponsor And Brother Shain Pierce
Tammy Callen, The sister of AA sponsor and murder victim Shain Pierce yells at killer Leslie Haun in court “I hope you die in there”. Shain Pierce was a man who had opened his home as the AA sponsor of Leslie Haun. He was showing kindness to his sponsee. Yet Leslie Haun beat and killed him with an aluminum baseball bat. Continue reading
Daytona NA Member Arrested In Sunrise Park Playground in Holly Hill Florida
A mandated Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous member was arrested in Sunrise Park on June 11th 2012 in the children’s playground while he and his friend were drinking one beer after another, sitting on the bench in the playground shown in the picture below. The Next Step NA meeting that was being held by Don had just finished when this member and a friend decided to go buy beer across the street and bring it back in the playground to drink it, while a number of small children were playing. Continue reading
Narcotics Anonymous Member Goes On Wild Criminal Rampage
Narcotics Anonymous Member Dustin Spencer Totten attended his California NA meeting with his fellow NA member friend. He then steals the mans car and goes on a wild crime spree, threating to kill people, trying to rob others and ramming cars. When finally arrested he smelled of alcohol and had pills on him. Continue reading
Daytona Beach AA Member James Maxwell Suspect In Murder Of Holly Hill Chasity Starr
Mandated Daytona Beach Alcoholics Anonymous and Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous Member James Maxwell is the prime suspect in the murder of Chasity Starr. The body that was found in the backyard of Maxwell’s mother’s home Dixie Maxwell is believed to be Chasity Starr. Continue reading
The New York Times Investigation Into Crime Filled New Jersey’s Halfway Houses
Governor Chris Christie has his hands big time in the halfway house and Drug Court business unfortunately. He also just got a bill passed mandating Drug Court, where it used to be a choice. Well I guess AA and NA meetings will be expanding in New Jersey with even more criminals attending from Drug Court and people leaving halfway houses. The meetings in the halfway houses are pretty dangerous indeed. Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Member And Priest Can’t Stop Molesting Children
AA Member and serial child molester Priest Vincent McCaffrey says he can’t stop molesting kids and was treated for alcoholism by attending AA meetings. This has been very typical for priests that are known to molest minors to be required to attend AA meetings by the church. Continue reading |
NCMEC Is Not Interested In Sex Abuse Against Minors In AA
According to the attorney at the home office in Alexandria, Virginia for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), the fact that Alcoholics Anonymous invite sexual predators and violent felons to their meetings, along with targeting minors to attend was of no concern to them what so ever. Continue reading
NA Meetings Run By The Bloods Gang In New Jersey Halfway House
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings are being run by the Bloods Gang in New Jersey Halfway House called Bo Robinson Treatment Center. They are dealing drugs in the NA meetings and violence is typical in the NA meetings. Some inmates are so scared they ask to go back to jail! There is so much drug dealing going on in the NA meetings, the younger crowd who typically scorn AA/NA meetings attend to get drugs. Continue reading
Teen Substance Abuse and Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
“A lot of kids don’t make it in AA ” according to Jack who runs Las Vegas AA because they are kids. Actually Alcoholics Anonymous fails teenagers in so many ways. AA actually does not have any meetings just for minors. Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Did Not Save Rodney King From Death
Rodney King was on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew along with trying other 12 step programs. In the end Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step dogma did not save him. Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Member Niemic Convicted of First Degree Murder
Serial Rapist and Alcoholics Anonymous Member Denied Parole
Here is one 12 stepper who will not be able to attend an outside AA meeting like his peers anytime soon.
Serial rapist to stay in prison, parole board rules Continue reading
Another Sex Offender Mandated To Alcoholics Anonymous
by George Lauby (North Platte Bulletin) – 5/15/2012
Micheal Pappas will continue to serve out a tough probation sentence, despite a request for a reduction from the defense.
In court Tuesday, defense attorney Robert Lindemeier requested Pappas be released early from a sentence of five years of probation. Pappas has served four years. Continue reading
AA Member Steals Car From AA Buddy And Charged With Child Abuse In Red Lobster Incident
AA Member Steven Vigil steals car from AA Member and then gets arrested for Child Abuse and Stealing a car.
Steven & Linda Vigil Passed Out at Red Lobster With 5-Month-Old Daughter
Wilson Charged With Robbing and Raping 70 year Old Woman Is Attending Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
Sex offender Wilson who raped and robbed a woman in her 70’s was on probation attending AA meetings, when he was found in violation of probation. Continue reading
Narcotics Anonymous Members Charged in Brutal Killing Of 19 Year Old Teenager
Narcotics Anonymous members James Ayers and Nicole Okrzesik, are charged in the brutal murder of 19 year old Juliana Mensch. James Ayers was on pre-trial release on a drug charge when he murdered Juliana Mensch. Continue reading
AA Member Jason Williford At Trial For 1st Degree Murder Of Kathy Taft
AA Member and Killer Jason Williford murdered Kathy Taft in March 2010. He raped and beat her to death. She was a North Carolina State school board member. Continue reading
AA Member In Court For Hearing On Murder Charges
AA Sponsor Floyd Nadeau kept this murder a secret for a couple of weeks, before he went to police because of anonimity concerns!
AUBURN — A Lewiston man is expected to plead guilty next month to manslaughter in connection with the clock-beating death of a New Gloucester woman. Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Member Commits Double Murder Suicide In Hawaii
AA Member commits double murder suicide in Hawaii, killing his x-girlfriend, her daughter and himself. This man was very dangerous and was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Such a tragic story.
Mary Kennedy Was an Alcoholics Anonymous Member at Time Of Suicide
Another AA member commits suicide. Mary Richardson Kennedy had joined AA 5 months prior to committing suicide by hanging herself.
Continue reading
Due to sexual and illegal activity in the bathrooms at Ross Point Riverside Park, in the City of Holly Hill Florida, and without any input from citizens tore down the park bathrooms Monday. Where will people go to the bathrooms now? Right up the street to Sunrise Park Continue reading
Murderers And Sexual Predators In Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings-Are You Safe?
Here is an eye opening article written by addiction specialist Laura Tompkins about the dangers to people attending AA and NA meetings. The courts are mandating sexual predators and murderers to these 12 step meetings. Continue reading
Alcoholics Anonymous Sponsor Testifies In Court For Violent Felon Sponsee
This convicted felon had his AA Sponsor get on the stand on his behalf to help this man get the ‘AA get out of jail card’ , and it worked! This gun wielding felon gets probation, even though the judge found his past violence and criminal background make him “a huge risk” for probation! Continue reading