Daytona Narcotics Anonymous Meetings Just For Today in Hollyland Park and The Third Tradition at Centennial Park refuse to pay rent for their weekly meetings. They are not honoring their 7th tradition that states “Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” Both The Third Tradition and Just For Today meetings have been collecting money at meeting for years in Holly Hill Florida Parks and continue to refuse to pay rent.
The City of Holly Hill asked NA Daytona years ago when Oel Wingo was City Manager to pay rent and they refused. Every time they are asked to pay, the members of these Narcotics Anonymous meetings refuse to pay.
Daytona NA is also fully aware of how much they have upset the community with not only not paying rent, but they also continue to smoke since our parks became NO SMOKING last fall. They have also been many incidences in our parks with these NA groups and an AA group harassing and threatening locals trying to enjoy the park. You can read many of the horror stories here that citizens of Holly Hill have endured