Category Archives: Daytona Beach AA Meetings
AA Member Steals Car From AA Buddy And Charged With Child Abuse In Red Lobster Incident
AA Member Steven Vigil steals car from AA Member and then gets arrested for Child Abuse and Stealing a car.
Steven & Linda Vigil Passed Out at Red Lobster With 5-Month-Old Daughter
Due to sexual and illegal activity in the bathrooms at Ross Point Riverside Park, in the City of Holly Hill Florida, and without any input from citizens tore down the park bathrooms Monday. Where will people go to the bathrooms now? Right up the street to Sunrise Park Continue reading
Murderers And Sexual Predators In Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings-Are You Safe?
Here is an eye opening article written by addiction specialist Laura Tompkins about the dangers to people attending AA and NA meetings. The courts are mandating sexual predators and murderers to these 12 step meetings. Continue reading
We have the same problem in Holly Hill Florida At Sunrise Park, Holly Land Park, & Centennial Park where AA & NA Meetings take place without a permit and against zoning regulations. The City Of Daytona Beach Fl does not tolerate the violation of their zoning ordinances. So the Volusia County Intergroup AA & Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous come to Holly Hill and violate our zoning laws! Continue reading
Daytona Beach Official Mandated To Alcoholics Anonymous For Biketoberfest Beating
Judge Will mandated violent felon Mark Criswell to AA Meetings and probation. No jail time. After the severe beating of a man during Biketoberfest, this man gets the AA get out of jail card!
Did Judge Will offer Mark Criswell a secular option? Does not sound like it. This is a violation of the constitution.
Pedophile Banker Mandated To Alcoholics Anonymous As Part Of Plea Deal To Not Be Registered As Sex Offender
More proof of pedophiles being mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous. This sick man, who was the president of a bank, did a plea deal that included going to AA meetings. This way he would not be registered as a sex offender! I cannot believe these judges are mandating these men to AA meetings where children and minors are present! AA and NA are in on it too! Disgusting behavior on the part of the judges and AA World Services & Narcotics Anonymous World Services. Continue reading
NA Member Mathew Nation and Drug Court Graduate, arrested for hitting a woman in the head with a bottle in a bar, 3 days after graduating Drug Court!
His previous arrests were burglary, theft, obstruction of justice,domestic violence and drug charges!
Continue reading
Crime Ring Affiliated With Alcoholics Anonymous Charged In The Murder Of Josh Bailey
Damn, these stories are shocking. A group of men who did drugs, drank and burglarized homes, and eventually shot their friend Josh Bailey to death. They accused him of being an informant. Looks like they were doing all of this between going to Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings! AA is going to hell in a hand basket fast!
AA Member and Pedophile Sean Calahan was sent to jail for preying on women in Alcoholics Anonymous. This man had been arrested in the past for sexually molesting a 12 year old boy.He was mandated to AA Meetings and sex offender counseling on a deferred sentenced. He also was found with multiple shotguns!
Narcotics Anonymous Member Arrested For Molesting Child During NA Meeting
Ray Floyd Johnson Jr, 38 has been arrested for sexually molesting a child during a Georgia Narcotics Anonymous Meeting! This man was a criminal and was on probation for many crimes, which included Family Violence Battery. This is a prime example why children and adolescence should not be attending AA or NA meetings! When are the courts and AA/NA going to stop this barbaric practice of mixing minors and criminal together?
Man Mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous When a Minor- Murders His Grandfather
When Kenneth Wilkinson, 22 was a minor he was mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous for 60 days. With the court not allowing him to drive until he was 21 also put pressure on the youth. How do you get to 60 AA Meetings when you can’t drive?
For reasons unknown, this man dragged his 84 year old grandfather who had Alzheimer’s, behind his truck for 6 miles to his death. One can’t help but feel that maybe sending a minor to AA meetings was NOT what this boy needed. He did not go to all of the AA meetings. Most minors do not feel comfortable with the message of powerlessness, or the fact that most participants are much older. Yet some courts are sending minors to AA and NA meetings, even though they have no meetings specifically for them.
Willits man charged with murder appears in court
By TIFFANY REVELLE The Daily Journal
Updated: 03/21/2012 02:11:59 PM PDT
Kenneth Wilkinson, 22, was in Mendocino County Superior Court today to be arraigned on a murder charge and a special allegation that he tortured his grandfather, Richard Mel Wilkinson, 84. Reliable sources said Tuesday that the younger Wilkinson allegedly killed his grandfather by dragging him behind a truck for nearly six miles Saturday night while left to care for him for a few hours, possibly in a drug-induced psychosis. “He’s not a violent person,” Kenneth Wilkinson’s mother, Kris Pearce, said outside the courtroom Wednesday while waiting for the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Department to transport her son from county jail for his court appearance. “This is completely out of character for him.” Public Defender Linda Thompson took the case and said she needed a week to prepare for the young man’s arraignment, which was rescheduled for 8:30 a.m. March 29 in courtroom A. He remains at the jail under a no-bail hold in the meantime.
Pearce said her son had never been diagnosed with a mental illness but had struggled emotionally throughout his life, having been picked on at school as the “skinny kid.” As an adult, he had a drug and alcohol problem, but said his drinking wasn’t heavy, according to Pearce.
Kenneth had been in court in 2008 for an allegation that he had possessed alcohol as a minor, and had been put on a deferred judgment plan. The arrangement meant the charge would be dropped on the condition that he attend 60 days of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
in the year’s length of the plan, but according to the Mendocino County Superior Court, he didn’t comply. Pearce said that sent him into a “vicious cycle,” where he could not get a driver’s license until he was 21, making it hard for him to get a job and take care of his court obligations.
Hershey Man High On Drugs And Naked Jumps On Moving Vehicle
What’s a man to do when under the influence of methamphetamine, cocaine, PCP and marijuana and feeling hot and naked? Jump on a woman’s moving vehicle doing 1700.00 worth of damage, then after all is said and done – go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings!
Hershey man chooses probation
by Dillon Daigger (The North Platte Bulletin) – 3/15/2012
A Hershey man who jumped on a moving car while naked and high on drugs in June was sentenced Thursday to six months probation. Joshua Weir, 23, of Hershey pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and criminal mischief.
Lincoln County prosecutor Tanya Roberts-Connick told the court she didn’t think Weir would succeed at probation. She requested Weir be sentenced to jail and ordered to pay restitution to the car owner. Judge Kent Turnbull gave Weir a choice – 30 days in jail or six months probation. Weir chose probation. He said he’s attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings since he was arrested March 2 and is looking for employment. “Roofing season is just around the corner,” he said.
Turnbull also ordered Weir to pay $1,700 to the car owner and told him he will be subject to random alcohol and drug testing. Turnbull said Weir’s criminal history is “not unknown” to the court. “I don’t think you wanna come back in front of me,” Turnbull said. “If you get any violations, I’ll credit you for time served, but I’ll still hammer you.”
The crime occurred on June 27. Weir went to a friend’s house under the influence of methamphetamine, cocaine, PCP and marijuana, police said. Weir said he felt hot and broke out the friend’s window, “jumped on a car and started running down the street taking his clothes off,” according to a court affidavit.
Weir’s friends tried to get him into a truck to take him to the hospital, but he broke out the truck’s window and ran away, police said.
Soon after, the naked Weir jumped on the hood of a woman’s moving car and banged on the windshield and top of the car. The terrified woman accelerated, causing him to fall off the back, police said.
Weir eluded police for over eight months until he was arrested, according to sheriff’s records.
Park Employees Intimidated By Narcotics Anonymous And Alcoholics Anonymous Groups
Even though there has been a smoking ban at Newport Beach for over 7 years, park employees were too intimidated to tell the AA/NA Groups to not smoke. Commissioners said that the AA/NA groups were just too confrontational for park employees, and need police to enforce the ban. First citizens asked the 12 steppers not to smoke and obey the law, but was brushed off. Typical behavior of 12 steppers acting like they are unique and special, and that they do not have to follow the law. The citizens of Holly Hill Florida certainly can relate towards this attitude of ‘Recovery Groups’. We have been dealing with The Sunrise Group, which is part of the Volusia County Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as the Daytona Narcotics Anonymous meetings in Holly Land Park, Centennial Park and Sunrise Park. We have to deal with parking issues, litter , vulgarity, cigarette butts, assaults, death threats and the list goes on.
Maybe the Holly Hill City Commission will listen to the all the complaints from our locals and take action!
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups can’t smoke at Newport beaches
NEWPORT BEACH – Recovery groups that smoke during meetings on the beach are facing a crackdown, after the City Council rejected a plan to give them smoking permits for their weekly meetings.Smoking on the beach has been banned in Newport Beach for more than seven years, but the City Council took up the issue Tuesday as part of a revision to its rules on parks and beach use.
Those new rules included a ban on smoking in parks, as well as broader language covering permits for park use.
Two groups, one from Alcoholics Anonymous and another from Narcotics Anonymous, have been gathering at the beach near 15th Street for years, City Manager Dave Kiff said.Many of the group members smoke, he said.
“A law is only as good as our ability to enforce it,” Kiff said, adding that parks employees were too intimidated to give tickets to the large recovery groups. His proposal was to allow the groups to apply for smoking permits that cover just their meeting time, but the idea was rejected.”There’s other people that (would) see them smoking there and think now it’s OK to smoke here,” Councilman Steve Rosansky said. Councilman Mike Henn said police would be needed to enforce the law.
“Clearly what we are left with is increased enforcement and we need to figure out a way to make that happen,” he said. “I don’t think it can realistically happen with park patrol people because the people that are smoking, I know, are just too confrontational when they’re asked to stop. So we’re going to have to figure out a way to get the proper police enforcement there.”
Two residents spoke against Kiff’s exception. Resident Denys Oberman said that she had been asking group members not to smoke for years, but that they usually ignored her or told her, “Get off of it” or “Go about your life.”
Two others came to ask that the basketball court at 38th Street Park on Balboa be closed at 7 p.m. rather than sunset; the council agreed. Those were the only two changes to a package of revised regulations approved on a 5-1 vote, with Councilman Ed Selich opposing and Rosansky not voting. The new regulations for parks include a smoking ban, a permit requirement for commercial use by coaches or trainers, and a permit requirement for “any games” played in the city’s 73 parks.
Drug Court Participants Mandated To Narcotics Anonymous Sent To Prison
Many people do not realize with all the puff pieces on Drug Courts, how many participants actually fail in the program. Drug courts results are only based on the people who completed the entire program. These men who were sent to prison that were in the Drug Court program will not be counted, because they did not complete it in it’s entirety. This is not a proper way to see drug courts success or failure.
This article also points out that many people participating in Drug Court are still committing crimes and using drugs while in the program. They do not need to be mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings where many vulnerable members of society including minors attend. They end up in our parks and playgrounds in Holly Hill Fl.
Two who failed drug court sent to prison
Brett Ellis/Fremont Tribune | Posted: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 8:33 am
Two people who failed to complete drug court were sentenced to prison on Monday.
Judge Geoffrey Hall sentenced 29-year-old Ricardo Mendez of Fremont to 20 months to 5 years in prison for possession of methamphetamine, a Class IV felony.Mendez admitted to selling bath salts to fellow drug court participants and using synthetic marijuana while he was in the program.
“He turned drug court into a criminal enterprise,” Deputy Dodge County Attorney Mark Boyer said. “I can’t think of a much worse thing to do in drug court than trying to drag other people in the program down the drain.”
Mendez said he accepted responsibility for his actions but said the people he sold bath salts to chose to make those purchases.Hall, though, said Mendez was a “devious leader” who had a bad influence on other drug court participants.
“I believe your conduct in drug court is the worst kind possible because you took other people down with you,” Hall said. Hall also sentenced 20-year-old Zackery Carlstrom of Fremont to 20 months to 5 years in prison for terroristic threats, a Class IV felony. Boyer said Carlstrom reported using methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol and marijuana while in drug court. Carlstrom also absconded twice from the program. “You had some successes,” Hall said. “However, the failures far outweigh those successes.” Hall also encouraged Carlstrom to use his talents in positive ways in the future. “Grow a backbone,” the judge said. “Do the hard right instead of the easy wrong.” Also on Monday, 26-year-old Anthony Martinez of Fremont was sentenced to 20 months to 5 years for terroristic threats and a year in prison for third-degree domestic assault, a Class I misdemeanor. The sentences will run consecutive to each other.
Martinez also was sentenced to 90 days in jail for criminal mischief, a Class II misdemeanor, and that will run concurrent with the other sentence. Hall also ordered Martinez to pay $400 in restitution.Chief Deputy Dodge County Attorney Stacey Hultquist asked for the maximum sentence based Martinez’s criminal history, which includes multiple arrests every year since 2004.
“This is a person who cannot be a productive person in our society and continues to get in trouble,” Hultquist said.
Martinez apologized to the female victim and her family. “That’s not how I was raised,” he said. “I know better than that.” Hall said probation was not an option for Martinez because of his criminal history.
Mentally ILL AA Member Charged With DWI After High Speed Chase
This Alcoholics Anonymous member went on a high speed chase that ended up sending 5 people to the hospital. He was on his way to an AA meeting, and was involved in road rage when another driver ticked him off. He is going back to a mental hospital. He also has a previous arrest for assault.
A good reason to promote online meetings like It keeps people who have NOT quit their alcohol or drug habits off the roads! It would also keep sexual predators at home, along with violent felons. Why force them on the roads to a zillion meetings, where they can mingle with teens and children that AA/NA encourages them to go to.
Accused DWI driver: “They were in my lane”
Posted: Feb 24, 2012 6:29 AM EST
MORGANTON, NC (WBTV) – Police say the driver of a sedan was driving impaired when he led officers on a chase that ended in a crash that sent five people to the hospital. Public Safety officers in Morganton say Joshua Allen Adams told them he was on the way to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting when the chase ended on Highway 18 near Interstate 40 Thursday evening.
Officers say Adams drove through a checkpoint, ran a stop light and clipped a car. He then crashed into a squad car and a 3rd vehicle carrying two adults and their 2-year-old granddaughter. “It’s devastating, you just don’t know if you are going to survive it, it seemed like it went on forever,” said Fincher Bolton, a passenger in the car hit by Adams.
Everyone is expected to be okay. Police say the chase spanned about three miles, reaching speeds up to 80 miles per hour. They say Adam’s refused to stop and was a danger to other drivers. “We felt the risks created by this driver were quite significant and we needed to get him stopped,” said Chief Mark Tolbert of the Morganton Department of Public Safety.
Adams’ family says he has mental problems, and had just been released from the hospital last week. Outside the magistrate’s office, Adams told WBTV he apologized to the people he had hit but said, “They got off the interstate and they were in my lane.”
Check out the car chase and arrest of AA Member video-Click on link below-
This is becoming more and more common at AA meetings.Since Drug Courts started mandating AA/NA meetings over 20 years ago,and these courts have exploded across this country.So has the reporting of violence in relation to these meetings. Men,women and children have been traumatized for decades by 13 steppers,felons, financial and sexual predators that were their fellow members.
Is it going to take a tragedy in Holly Hill Florida for the City to protect children and families from court mandated,government sponsored 12 step meetings located in their playgrounds to do something? There has been cries for help from locals to the police and commissioners after threats of violence.Yet NOTHING. Liz Towsley Patton stated about the appearance of city officials looking like they are in bed with someone,she has a point. The City does looks like they are in bed with many folks.Where does it end? When will it end?
Fugitive sought for shooting of pregnant woman in Baldwin Park
BALDWIN PARK – Police Thursday sought the public’s help in tracking down a Baldwin Park man who accused of shooting a pregnant woman in the head after getting into a fight with her husband at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
Omar Martinez, 19, is wanted for attempted murder, Baldwin Park police Lt. David Reynoso said. He’s believed to be hiding in the West Covina or Los Angeles areas.
Martinez was attending a court-ordered AA meeting about 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at a church at Los Angeles Street and Stewart Avenue when he got into a fight with another man in his 20s who was attending the meeting, police said.
The fight was broken up and the men separated and left, Reynoso said.
“The intended victim left the meeting and entered a vehicle driven by his pregnant wife,” Baldwin Park police said in a written statement. “Suspect
Martinez followed the intended victim and shot twice at the vehicle as it left.”
The woman driving the car was struck in the back of the head, Reynoso said. She was initially hospitalized in critical condition, however she’s since been updated to stable condition.
Police have learned the woman was several weeks into a pregnancy at the time she was shot, and has since miscarried.
“At this time, we haven’t been able to determine if the miscarriage is related to the crime,” Reynoso said.
Martinez fled after the shooting and hasn’t been seen since, Reynoso said.
He was immediately identified as the shooter by witnesses who knew him
from the AA group, and he left his AA membership card behind when he fled the scene, the lieutenant said.
YOUTUBE VIDEO of AA Meeting Shooting At Baldwin Park-
AA Member Threatens to Shoot Fellow AA Member At Cass City Church
Man sent for psychiatric exam after allegedly pointing gun at A.A. member in Cass City church
By Thomas Gilchrist
Published: Friday, October 07, 2011, 12:12 PM
CARO — A man accused of pointing a loaded revolver at another man at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting inside a Cass City Church will be examined to determine if he is mentally competent to stand trial.
John R. Dillon, 74, of Tuscola County’s Almer Township faces 10 criminal charges in connection with the Sept. 5 incident at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 6820 Main, in Cass City.
Dillon “put a gun in someone’s face and threatened to shoot him,” said Trooper Ruth Osborne of the Michigan State Police post at Caro.
Osborne alleges Dillon also pointed the gun at a man’s back before handing over the weapon to one of the A.A. group members.
It wasn’t immediately clear if the alleged victim was the same person in both incidents. Osborne said she didn’t know the motive for the alleged crimes. She said Cass City Police Department Officer Bill Hartzell had taken Dillon into custody when she arrived to assist at the scene.
Tuscola County District Judge Kim David Glaspie, on Sept. 19, ordered Dillon to undergo psychiatric examination to determine if he is mentally competent and criminally responsible.
No date has been set for a hearing on the evidence against Dillon, who is charged with two counts of being a felon in possession of a firearm, and if convicted of either charge, would face a maximum sentence of five years in prison.
He also is charged with four counts of possessing a firearm while committing a felony, a charge that carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison that must be served prior to any other prison time ordered for other convictions.
Dillon also is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, carrying a weapon with unlawful intent, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a controlled substance.
The Saginaw News could not reach Dillon’s lawyer, Caro attorney Timothy M. Turkelson, for comment.
Tuscola County Magistrate Joseph Van Auken set a $100,000 cash bond for Dillon, who hasn’t posted bond and remains in custody.
Holly Hill Florida Looks at AA NA Meeting Procedures in the Parks
January 10, 2011
HOLLY HILL – Children romping on playground equipment at Sunrise Park giggled and shouted in the dark recently, under the watchful eyes of their aunt, Beth Thomason.
Commissioner Rick Glass said he’s anticipating help from the city attorney at the workshop. “I have had many, many people call, and I just got off the phone with a citizen who was talking about it,” Glass said. “They want (sign-up) procedures put in place for parties – basic policies like other cities have, where parties of 20 or 25 people have to pull a permit.” Park regulations for municipalities at show other cities, including Ormond Beach and Edgewater, regulate many issues from conduct and park hours to penalties. Barker said “right now, to control certain behaviors,” other regulations are used – not park specific – such as laws covering alcoholic beverages, firearms and public safety issues.
Commissioner Liz Towsley Patton said the issue has been discussed before – not at length. “We will look at all sides and decide,” she said. “I am open to that, but, do I think we need to shut parks off to groups or go through a certain process? No.” Commissioner Donnie Moore said: “As it stands right now . . . I do see some issues, and we can work on that.” Moore said requiring reservations by large groups might be considered, but he also hopes to designate playgrounds as non-smoking areas. Commissioner Roy Johnson said he aims to find “what is best for everybody,” but not “restrict people from using the park.” A local business operator across from the park believes the city should regulate park use. “I am in a little store where people stop to get their whatnots, and they say what’s on their mind. I have heard grumblings,” said Mr. Sanderford. He spends seven weekdays operating Holly Hill River Mart, and said local residents complain about meeting groups monopolizing the park and the parking. The complaints resulted in a petition asking city lawmakers to look at the issue, he said.
Former mayoral candidate Steve Smith presented the petition. Barker said an unsigned copy of the petition is on record. Smith said his trouble at the park began while running for mayor. He reserved the pavilion once a week for 10 weeks, having cookouts and campaigning, but encountered harassment and disagreeable persons in a group meeting at the park pavilion with no reservation, he said. “The city should limit (the number of) times,” of use by large groups, Smith said, and all groups “should be submitting some remittance to the city for the maintenance of the park.”
Smith also had a solution.
“The thing that is missing is, we don’t have a leisure services or parks director, so there is nothing scheduled.” Organized activities would help, he said.
Daytona Beach NA Member Murders His Grandmother at Christmas Time

Under her Christmas tree, Hummer had already wrapped and stacked up the presents. Many of the gifts were for her grandson, Culp, who had been battling methamphetamine and crack cocaine addiction. To his family, Culp was doing better; he was going to Narcotics Anonymous meetings and working at a car wash.
A few individuals hinted at the value of self-help groups using the park often, and one person even said the groups using Sunrise Park on weekends had relocated. Not until the commission closed public discussion did the crux of the issue surface clearly. “This has turned into a battle of two worlds, and I don’t think we should be in the middle,” said Commissioner Liz Towsley Patton. “There’s no secret we are here because of the NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings at the park. I don’t think we are here to micromanage public parks.”
But Commissioner Donnie Moore had a different take, and said he had spent two hours speaking with park officials in Daytona Beach. He recommended the city attorney, who was not present, get with the Daytona Beach city attorney and park staff to come up with rules applicable to all who use the park.
The policy being discussed encompassed 13 rules laid out by acting Police Chief Steve Aldridge. The rules included such items as smoking in designated areas, pet rules, no alcoholic beverages except by permit at organized events, no littering, no discharge of firearms, designated parking and no children on the playground before sunrise or after sunset. Penny said he was comfortable with Aldridge’s list and recommended the list be forwarded for action at a future commission meeting.
Commissioners agreed to look at giving designated smoking areas a 90-day trial, and to ask the city attorney to speak with park officials in Daytona Beach to better understand the issues.
AA Daytona Member Missing After Meeting Man At Volusia County Intergroup Meeting
When are the local police in the City of Holly Hill Fl take action and stop this madness of ignoring the local citizens pleas for help and relief from the threatening behavior and harassment from local AA/NA Daytona Groups? Bruce and Ed the leaders of the Sunrise Group continue to allow their group to intimidate and harass local citizens in Sunrise Park by bullying them out of pavilions.
Now we have Karen Burger 57,missing since July 25th 2011 after attending a Daytona AA meeting and meeting an AA member.She has not been seen since telling her Dad she was going to go out with this man that evening she just met at Alcoholics Anonymous.
Police are trying to find a 57-year-old New Smyrna Beach woman who has not been seen or heard from since July 25.
Karen Lee Burger’s father told investigators his daughter has a drug abuse problem and he believes her disappearance is related to that, New Smyrna Beach police said Wednesday.
The incident is the second time in one month that a New Smyrna Beach woman with drug addiction issues has vanished.
On July 16, 41-year-old Jennifer Rado left her residence and went to a party in Edgewater, police said. That was the last time her family saw her.
Rado was then seen leaving a party on Needle Palm Drive early July 17, Edgewater police said. On Tuesday police arrested Frances Renee Gibson of Edgewater and charged her with Rado’s death. Detectives are searching for a second person who may have participated in the killing.
Burger went missing exactly one week after Rado; however, their cases are not related, police said Wednesday.
Burger’s father, Maxwell Lee, said Burger’s husband died three months ago of a drug overdose.
Lee said he waited until Tuesday to report his daughter’s disappearance because he thought she “was going to show up.”
“She’s been gone before, but never this long,” said Lee, who also lives in New Smyrna Beach.
The father said he spoke to his daughter on July 25 after she had attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
“She told me she had met a man at the meeting and she was going out with him,” Lee said. “I haven’t heard from her since.”
Anyone with information concerning Burger is asked to call New Smyrna Beach police Investigator Mike Covey at 386-424-2223.
Below is an excerpt from like the writer was right. McCrowskey DID demand more money from Holly Hill and got it! Sounds like his days were numbered at Daytona Shores-So why is the City of Holly Hill overpaying McCrowskey even against very vocal citizens opposed to it? Seems like the citizens are getting chewed up and spit out! We dont even have safe parks but McCrowskey wanted a raise even though he has been quoted as saying Holly Hill doesnt have enough money to fix a pot hole!
PS-He wont protect the children or locals in the parks from the harassment of Daytona AA or NA meetings either……..
James McCroskey Named New Holly Hill City Manager – 1/31/11
PREDICTION from the “Inside”: James McCroskey New Holly Hill City Manager
Currently making about $125,000 per year as the Assistant City Manager in Daytona Beach Shores, Jim McCroskey is stepping up to become the City Manager on a six month trial basis in Holly Hill.
Despite the city offering a paltry $95,500 City Manager contract, and with no severance package, Holly Hill received over 25 applications but only a dozen or so met the criteria of a 4 years college degree and 5 years experience.
With Holly Hill uncermoniously firing their City Manager Oel Wingo and renegging on her severance package, one has to wonder what McCroskey’s motivation is. Obviously on the surface job security is not on the table, that is unless there is a deal “under” the table.
McCroskey handles the CRA in Daytona Beach Shores and his contract was nearing an end, plus with the property values in decline, the CRA was not in a healthy financial position and cannot continue to sustain paying McCroskey for his CRA duties. No money, no plan. But McCroskey is a very capable manager. Let’s hope he doesn’t get chewed up and spit out by commissioners who don’t get their way.
Remember that in 6 months McCroskey will be able to get more money or he will tell the commission to start looking again. Also, remember that three votes controls.
Watch close citizens, this hiring deal was made by more than one elected official out of the public eye and smacks of Sunshine Law violations.
Listen in to the negotiations and “voting” in the workshop of 2/1/11. Of course they cannot vote in a workshop, but they may choose and bring it to the agenda for Feb. 8th.
Watch and see. From the “See all – Know all” from the inside.
AA Florida Ormond Beach Woman Robbed By AA Florida Member
This woman met ‘Lonnie’ at a Florida AA meeting and was robbed. Because of AA’s secretiveness-last name is unknown. This is why you don’t need Daytona AA or Daytona NA meetings in our parks. No one is held accountable.They hide behind being Anonymous. Florida NA and AA have been known to not co-operate with police when a crime has happened to protect their members.
Man Robs Woman He Met At Aa Meeting, Police Say
ORMOND BEACH — Police are searching for a middle-aged white man who robbed an Ormond Beach woman after meeting her at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, authorities said.
The 57-year-old woman met the man at an AA meeting three weeks ago and let him move into her home on Woodland Avenue in Ormond Beach for about a week, police said.
The man assaulted the woman last Thursday, tied her up and stole her television, VCR, jewelry and 1976 Plymouth Valiant, a brown four-door with license number KGK-42Z, police said.
The man, whose first name is Lonnie, was described as 48 or 49 years old, 5-feet-10 and 165 pounds with short brown hair.
Anyone with information about the man is asked to call Detective John Bayne at (904) 676-3519.
Dangers Of Teenagers and Children Attending Holly Hill Fl AA NA meetings
Local citizens have witnessed children and teens of all ages attend Daytona Beach AA and NA meetings.These minors are exposed to very detailed horror stories of drug and alcohol abuse. It is not healthy emotionally for children to be exposed to the adult nature of these meetings. Many people who attend are felons who have committed violent crimes, and even sexual predators that are mandated by the court system to go to Daytona Beach AA meetings.This is putting members at risk-but what is even worse is putting children and teens in harms way. Daytona AA and NA need to do what is in the best interest of children and teens, and protect them from emotional and physical harm. It is outrageous this is allowed to go on. These organizations know of the dangers minors are exposed to at meetings. Yet they turn a blind eye to this harmful practice of allowing young children and even encouraging teens to attend adult meetings. Your children or teenagers are NOT healthy or safe at Daytona Alcoholics Anonymous or Holly Hill Narcotics Anonymous meetings.Please do not take them to meetings.