Prescription Drug Related Deaths Increase 7.1% In Florida

In the pill mill state of Florida, Presciption Drug related deaths have increased. In this article you will find an anonymous quote from ‘D’ called ‘a counselor and addict’ of Suncoast Narcotics Anonymous of Florida. Maybe this is part of the problem. This NA addict is called a counselor in the article even though NA members are proudly unprofessional and untrained addicts. There failure rate has been stated as high as 95%. We need to treat addiction with professionally trained counselors,facilitators and formally trained therapists.

AA and NA members or sponsors are NOT counselors.But they like to play counselor without any background checks, no licensing by the state like other addiction treatment  modalities. There is no oversight of what these groups are saying or doing.Very dangerous practice indeed.

NA Member Murdered Mike Webb,They Met at NA/AA Meeting

Mike Webb’s life ended not too long after meeting up with a man he met at AA/NA meetings. The murderer was mentally ill as well. Remember AA/NA and the courts excludes nobody from their program.

Michelle Nicholson Murderer Going to NA in New Zealand


Convicted murderer Michelle Nicholson has been set free from prison for a second time.

Nicholson was given a life sentence for her part in the 1997 murder of retired Temuka businessman Dennis Hind.

She was first paroled in late 2007 but was ordered back to jail within months after forming a relationship with another convicted killer and falling out with her probation officer.

The Parole Board says Nicholson is now a minimum security inmate who poses a moderate risk of further violent reoffending.

Nicholson has been working as a cook, and helping with riding for the disabled.

The board says a good release proposal, based on family, was the catalyst for her prison release on 30th May.

Nicholson is subject to 12 special parole conditions, including an overnight curfew. She has also been warned she cannot afford to let the relationship with her probation officer turn toxic once again.

*Good advice, I guess as long as she trys to stay away from convicted killers and she doesnt give her probation officer a bunch of crap she can continue to to go to Narcotics Anonymous!


Hazelden Article About The ‘Stereotypes Linger For NA’

The brainwashing continues.Even though the article admits about NA’s generous open door policy where anyone can come to a meeting-they dont like what they call the stereotype of the “dope shooting criminals and burly tattooed bikers”attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Last I saw in the park meetings, their is still plenty of those that attend as well. NA wants it both ways dont they? Who do they think comprises of  NA ? At least over 40-50% of people in attendance are mandated from Drug Courts and Department of Corrections with felony crimes apart from the drug use like armed robbery, sex crimes,domestic violence and prostitution etc

Daytona NA Member Charged With First Degree Murder Of 14 year old

Ormond Beach police said Richard Newkirk, 32, is facing first-degree murder charges in connection with the death of Bryce Parson, 14. Investigators said Newkirk gave Bryce and another teen a mixture made with methadone hydrochloride.

Read more:

Nutley Neighbors Takes AA Meetings Concern To Board Of Education

Concerned citizens and parents have a meeting with the Nutley Board Of Education August 29th 2011 to discuss concerns about sexual predators and convicted felons attending Nutley AA and NA meetings at the Holy Trinity Church.

They are naturally concerned for the safety of the children and families.Holly Hill Florida is also having problems with Daytona NA and Daytona AA meetings in parks and playgrounds near children. It is not an appropriate place to have substance abuse rehab classes.

Neighbors take AA concerns to Nutley BOE

TUESDAY AUGUST 30, 2011, 10:25 AM

Some neighbors around Vreeland Avenue in the east part of town took their complaints against Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous meetings at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church to the Nutley Board of Education on Monday. They claimed the meetings attract dangerous people.

Following their plea to the Nutley Board of Commissioners, Holy Trinity neighbors took their complaints about Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to the Nutley Board of Education on Monday.

Following their plea to the Nutley Board of Commissioners, Holy Trinity neighbors took their complaints about Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to the Nutley Board of Education on Monday.

Resident Melanie Mitrano-Duffy said the meetings are too close to schools, especially when children are out to lunch.

AA meets in the evening, and NA meets midday.

Referring to the member anonymity, Mitrano-Duffy said parents can’t determine if the attendees are registered sex offenders, which should be public under Megan’s Law. She said the Walker Middle School and Yantacaw Elementary School principals share the concerns.

She said she spoke by phone with an Essex County senior parole officer, who stated there’s a percentage of sex offenders at AA and NA meetings in Essex County. He also said convicted criminals are mandated to attend to attend these meetings, she stated.

She wanted the district’s support to move these meetings somewhere else and wanted the public to be aware of them.

Another resident said parking problems could arise near the middle school when school is in session.

Neighbors addressed the Nutley Board of Commissioners two weeks ago, regarding the alleged bad behavior and illegal parking by attendees of AA and NA meetings at Holy Trinity. At a previous conference of church members, neighbors and police and neighbors, it was decided to move the NA meetings to two other locations, beginning in July.

The church and neighbors now disagree whether the AA meetings should continue there, Mitrano-Duffy told the Sun.

Board of Education Vice President Tom Sposato said, presiding over Monday’s meeting, the district would look into the matter before the board discusses it as a whole. The board needs to investigate whether or not law requires registered sex offenders to keep a certain distance from schools, member Charles Kucinski said

Franklin Reformed Church’s Rev. Jill Fenske told the board that churches open their doors to NA and AA out of hospitality, and there’s never been a problem before. Recent public opinion has “spun out of control,” she said. She voiced support for the peer-based groups, which are held all around town.

A Victory For Freedom Against The War On Photography

The 1st Circuit Federal Court of Appeals said that a lawyer who used his cell phone to record a video of police making a drug arrest was within his rights and that the seizure of his cell phone and his arrest by police violated his First and Fourth Amendment rights.


In answer to the question, “Is there a constitutionally protected right to videotape police carrying out their duties in public?” the Court gives a resounding “Yes!”

Florida AA Member Arrested For Attempted Child Kidnapping

Gainsville Florida-Aniball Baris arrested at Florida AA meeting for attempted child kidnapping of a 3 year old child ! Baris was located in a Florida Church attending an AA meeting when arrested.Churches need to consider the safety of their congregation when renting space to 12 step programs.

How can the judicial system continue to mandate sexual predators to AA when they know minors attend meetings and other vulnerable members of society.

Why does both NA Daytona, AA Daytona and their parent Organization think it is okay to encourage minors of any age to attend their meetings? It unethical and shows total disregard for the safety of their members.

Alcoholics Anonymous Could Bring Sexual Predators to Your Church

Is your church bringing sexual predators to your church?

Alcoholics Anonymous members would have you believe that these incidents are few and far between but this is not the case. Sexual abuse, rape, child molestations, physical, and mental abuse take place constantly within and around AA groups. I am astonished by the fact that Churches will allow AA to hold their meetings on their property. In fact the majority of AA meetings are held in churches all over the country.

This should show any reasonable person how little his or her church cares about the welfare of its members. Because AA is an anonymous organization there is no way to know whether the attendees are rapists, murderers, or child molesters. Twelve Steppers swear that meetings are safe places but the truth is that these bad things are happening in conjunction with AA and churches every day.

NA Daytona Member Just Released From Prison Charged With Attempted Rape

As court records show, NA Member Brandon Boruty shortly after being released from state prison tried to violently rape a woman in Daytona Beach Fl. Brandon Boruty had been arrested over 20 times in the past for domestic assault, cocaine charges and many other crimes.

The Drug Courts need to have AA/NA meetings just for people charged with felonies. They should not be sending them to meetings where the AA/NA members are clueless to their crimes and where minors are put in great danger by being exposed to these criminals. Boruty is a very dangerous man with a very long rap sheet. Check him out on and click on inmate information on the right hand side.


 August 26, 2011 1:13 AM

DAYTONA BEACH — A man just released from prison tried to rape a woman in her apartment Thursday morning moments after he met her, police said.

A woman told police she was introduced about 9:30 a.m. Thursday morning to the man, later identified as Brandon Boruty, according to an arrest affidavit from the Daytona Beach Police Department.

The woman told officers she and Boruty and two other people were in her apartment. But when the others left, Boruty locked the apartment door and told the woman he had just gotten out of prison and was going to have sex with her, according to the affidavit.

The woman tried to escape the apartment but Boruty hit her on the head and knocked her to the floor, the affidavit states. Boruty got on top of the woman and placed his hand on her mouth but she was able to scream for help and someone began knocking on the door, authorities said.

Authorities said the woman was able to get out of the apartment and Boruty fled as well. He was later apprehended by officers and identified by the woman and two witnesses who saw Boruty run out of the apartment, police said.

Boruty, of Daytona Beach, was charged Thursday with attempted rape, false imprisonment and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was being held Thursday night on $20,500 bail at the Volusia County Branch Jail.

According to Department of Corrections records, Boruty was sentenced on a cocaine charge to one year and two months in prison in February but was released Saturday. He has been imprisoned three other times, according to state records.


NA Members complain about security sign posted in the park to deter crime! The Next Step & More Will Be Revealed Group that meets in Sunrise Park, does not seem to care about the public interest,only about themselves.

Sunrise Park has had car break-ins and other serious crime recently. The citizens want to have a safe park.

Security cameras help deter crime,why do they prevent crime fighting measures?

AA New York Member Poster Child Loots Homes!

AA poster child member respected by many other New York AA members charged with looting homes The. ‘Thelma and Loiuse’ team stunned their group That they not only robbed but they were supporting a drug habit,but telling members she had 12 years sobriety. Jennifer Jones even ran many meetings.

Parents Speak Out About Perverts In Park

 Harlingen Texas. In Arroyo Park these parents are upset because they feel kids should feel safe in a park and not be exposed to sexual perverts. We feel the same way in Holly Hill Fl where sexual perverts roam the parks along with violent felons mandated by the courts.
Keeping children safe should be our top priority!

NA Daytona Member Richard Newkirk had been on Drug Offender Probation

Richard Newkirk 32, had a previous arrest for cocaine possession. He was on the drug offender program when he violated his probation agreement.He was sentenced to 90 days in jail and then no more probation. Then he met poor Bryce Parsons 14 who died of a methadone overdose after sharing Newkirks methadone concoction.

How does Daytona Beach/Holly Hill Narcotics Anonymous encourage children and teens to attend adult meetings when they know children have died and have been sexually abused at the hands of NA members that are violent felons and/or mentally ill. Their actions are criminal to continue this practice. They could be sued by the victims.NA/AA have been sued many times,but they they keep it quiet.

AA Daytona Member Missing After Meeting Man At Volusia County Intergroup Meeting

When are the local police in the City of Holly Hill Fl take action and stop this madness of ignoring the local citizens pleas for help and relief from the threatening behavior and harassment from local AA/NA Daytona Groups? Bruce and Ed the leaders of the Sunrise Group continue to allow their group to intimidate and harass local citizens in Sunrise Park by bullying them out of pavilions.

Now we have Karen Burger 57,missing since July 25th 2011 after attending a Daytona AA meeting and meeting an AA member.She has not been seen since telling her Dad she was going to go out with this man that evening she just met at Alcoholics Anonymous.

Karen Burger Missing

Police are trying to find a 57-year-old New Smyrna Beach woman who has not been seen or heard from since July 25.

Karen Lee Burger’s father told investigators his daughter has a drug abuse problem and he believes her disappearance is related to that, New Smyrna Beach police said Wednesday.

The incident is the second time in one month that a New Smyrna Beach woman with drug addiction issues has vanished.

On July 16, 41-year-old Jennifer Rado left her residence and went to a party in Edgewater, police said. That was the last time her family saw her.

Rado was then seen leaving a party on Needle Palm Drive early July 17, Edgewater police said. On Tuesday police arrested Frances Renee Gibson of Edgewater and charged her with Rado’s death. Detectives are searching for a second person who may have participated in the killing.

Burger went missing exactly one week after Rado; however, their cases are not related, police said Wednesday.
Burger’s father, Maxwell Lee, said Burger’s husband died three months ago of a drug overdose.
Lee said he waited until Tuesday to report his daughter’s disappearance because he thought she “was going to show up.”
“She’s been gone before, but never this long,” said Lee, who also lives in New Smyrna Beach.
The father said he spoke to his daughter on July 25 after she had attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
“She told me she had met a man at the meeting and she was going out with him,” Lee said. “I haven’t heard from her since.”
Anyone with information concerning Burger is asked to call New Smyrna Beach police Investigator Mike Covey at 386-424-2223.

Washington D.C.AA Midtown Group Abuses Teens

Midtown Group In Washingtond D.C. is a classic example how AA has no accountability.Even though AA headquarters located in New York City was well aware of the financial and sexual abuses going on at the Midtown Group they continue to ignore and take no responsibility for the actions of it’s members that it takes money from to fatten it’s bank account to pay the executives in New York Big Bucks!

AA/NA Florida-ACLU Sues Over Faith-based Rehab.Catholic Man Forced into Pentecostal Faith

Joseph Hanas,19 when placed in a diversion program for young non-violent offenders-had to fight Pentecoastals to practice his own religion! This stuff never ceases to amaze me.

Religious Rehab in Florida Sparks Protest About Mandated Florida AA Attendance

The Americans United Sarasota-Manatee Chapter has spoken out against the lack of secular (non-religious) treatment options for inmates at the Sarasota County jail.

We need more people and organizations to stand up and demand separation of church and state. To give inmates and citizens options in the Drug Courts and have probation officers step up to the plate and stop mandating Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. This practice continues in Daytona Beach,Palm Coast the state of Florida not to mention the entire nation.Let’s put in end to this unconstitutional practive now!

Veteran Texas NA Members Murdered at NA Meeting

The Narcotics Anonymous Killer left a meeting early and came back to the meeting with a gun to kill 2 fellow NA members.NA members and minors are not safe in meetings. Do not take kids to AA / NA meetings!

Man guilty in two deaths
Pleasant Grove: Fellow Narcotics Anonymous members testify
08:30 PM CDT on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
By ROBERT THARP / The Dallas Morning News
For longtime members of a Pleasant Grove Narcotics Anonymous group, a small storefront at a Bruton Road shopping center was like a second home, where the closest of friends leaned on one another to counter addiction’s pull. 
Years of soul-baring among members made it that much harder to cope after a meeting exploded last summer in the shooting deaths of two veteran members. At least a dozen people in the 12-step support group witnessed the shooting deaths of Lois Fields and Darryl Sneed.Several group members made the trip to court Tuesday to recount the terrifying moments leading up to the shootings and identify one of their own as the man responsible.The capital murder trial of 43-year-old Yolland Latimer took less than a full day to wrap up. Jurors deliberated less than 30 minutes before convicting the DeSoto school district teaching assistant and handing down an automatic life sentence.

Melonee Porter described how Ms. Fields – her best friend since the two met at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting about three years ago – cowered with her in a bathroom trying to hide, hoping that police would arrive before Mr. Latimer found her.

Mr. Latimer and Ms. Fields had also met through Narcotics Anonymous. They had dated at times and had a daughter together. More recently, Ms. Fields and Mr. Sneed had become romantically involved, although witnesses said Mr. Latimer remained hopeful that the two would reconcile.

Ms. Fields’ sisters, Lela Fields and Raynell Fields, said their sister had dismissed Mr. Latimer’s earlier jealousy-fueled threats.

“She’d say, ‘I’m his baby’s momma; he’s not going to do anything to me,’ ” Raynell Fields said. “I wish she would have taken it seriously, because I would have.”

Mr. Latimer’s attorney, Stephani Hudgins, told jurors in closing arguments that her client was responding to Ms. Fields’ emotional manipulation and the hollow promise of reconciliation.

“He realized again that she was playing with his heart, playing with his feelings, and he couldn’t take it anymore,” she said.

During the August 2004 meeting, Mr. Latimer apparently became upset and left early, returning with a gun. He first confronted Mr. Sneed as he was driving away from the meeting in his pickup. Group member Ozella Burnley said she thought the two men were just talking until Mr. Latimer pulled out a handgun and shot Mr. Sneed three times.

With Mr. Sneed mortally wounded, the truck accelerated through the parking lot and crossed Jim Miller Road before it crashed into a fence.

Mr. Latimer then went inside the building searching for Ms. Fields. Ms. Porter said she was in the restroom when her panicked friend found her.

“I heard a lot of commotion and Lois ran in,” Ms. Porter said. “She said, ‘Melonee, Melonee help me.’ Yolland came in the restroom behind her. … He said ‘[expletive], I done told you about playing with my feelings.’ ”

As Ms. Fields raised her hands in a futile attempt to defend herself from the gunshots, Mr. Latimer shot her three times. He then left the bathroom but returned when he heard Ms. Fields calling for help, witnesses said. He put the gun against the back of her head and fired again.

“He is a cold, hard executioner,” prosecutor Heath Hyde said in closing arguments. “He did exactly what he set out to do.”

In the year since the shooting, the Narcotics Anonymous group has not foundered. The chapter is still open for meetings throughout the week and has not lost any members, the sister of one active member said after the trial.

“That’s the kind of thing that might have caused my sister to relapse and go back on the streets, but this group has stayed together and may be stronger now,” she said.

NA Daytona Beach/Holly Hill Fl ‘By Young Addicts For Young Addicts’

Here we go with NA promoting the attendance of teens with there own brochure just for youth. Read it and weep. Unbelievable.This should be against the law to treat minors without a substance abuse treatment license.

Here is a pathetic excerpt encouraging minors to talk to Narcotics Anonymous about their experiences with sex and orientation! NA has no business encouraging minors to speak to untrained and non professional members including sexual offenders and violent felons about their sex life. Sounds perverted.Cant believe NA has this in a printed booklet for minors.

Sex, Drugs, and . . .
As young members, coming to terms with our sexuality 
in recovery can be difficult. Our experiences with sex 
can include anything from our sexual orientation to 
break-ups, pregnancy, unmanageability, confusion, 
and shame or guilt about things we’ve done or things 
that happened to us. We’ll hear lots of opinions and 
suggestions about sex and relationships in recovery. 
We may not always listen to what others have to say, 
but we can make an effort to talk openly with our 
sponsor and other members we trust. Sometimes 
our feelings about sex and relationships make drugs 
start to seem like a solution again. Instead, we share 
what we’re going through and ask for guidance 
and support. Recovery will help us get through 
our feelings clean. When we share honestly about 
ourselves, we’re an example for others.

Daytona NA Member Indicted in First Degree Murder of 14 Year Old Bryce Parson

Richard Lyle Newkirk 32 of Holly Hill Fl and Daytona Beach NA member-arrested
May 31st 2011 in the death of 14 year-old Bryce Parson. This man has a long history of violence and drug abuse charges and convictions. Now it looks like First Degree Murder charges will be filed once the toxicology reports are back. Initially they could tell that Bryce had THC, opiates and barbiturates in his urine. It is believed to be a methadone overdose. Bryce had also taken a Xanax that evening as well. UPDATE-INDICTED FOR FIRST DEGREE MURDER

Friends say Bryce Parson loved to fish, surf and sail. (Photo | Parson family)
It is believed that Richard Newkirk also gave Bryce Xanax,and told him it would be okay to mix the 2 drugs. He told him this after Bryce asked if it would be okay.
Mixing adult drug addicts with minors is wrong. Daytona NA and AA need to stop promoting teens and minors to their meetings where they can meet the likes of people like Richard Newkirk who are violent felons. It is horrible that NA continues to put adolescents in harms way. Daytona AA / NA continue to have meetings in playgrounds/parks in Holly Hill Fl and Palm Coast Fl . Holly Hill City Commissioners need to put an end to this practice, and prevent more deaths of children like poor Bryce Parson. Bryce was afraid to go to sleep that night because he was afraid he would not wake up. He was right. I wish he would of called 911.
You Tube of NA Member Richard Newkirk in the shadows persuading Bryce Parson and another boy to get Methodone bottles from dumpster.
ORMOND BEACH, Fla. — A local man has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of a teenager in Ormond Beach, authorities said Tuesday.Ormond Beach police said Richard Newkirk, 32, is facing first-degree murder charges in connection with the death of Bryce Parson, 14. Investigators said Newkirk gave Bryce and another teen a mixture made with methadone hydrochloride. Police said Newkirk provided the toxic cocktail to the teen in May, and Parson went to sleep and never woke up. Newkirk had been staying with a family in the neighborhood, and police said he took Parson and a 17-year-old to a nearby laboratory where he instructed the boys to dumpster dive. Police said Newkirk told the boys to get discarded bottles of methadone, and when they were back home, Newkirk allegedly added water to extract meth residue and then gave each boy a cup.”It was definitely a lethal dose. It was over 1,000 milliliters or milligrams of methadone in the boys’ system, which is probably 10 times the lethal dose,” said Lt. Kenny Hayes, of the Ormond Beach Police Department.Read more:
Ormond Beach, FL- 32-year old Richard L. Newkirk of Holly Hill Fl, has been indicted on a charge of 1st Degree Felony Murder in connection with the death of 14 year old Bryce Parson. The suspicious death investigation was launched on May 24th, 2011 after Parson was found dead at 99 Mayfield Circle in Ormond Beach.Detectives determined that Newkirk drove Bryce Parson and another 17 year old boy to the area of Whitney Labs at 1095 N. US-1 in the county area of Ormond Beach in the early morning hours of May 24th 2011. Newkirk instructed the boys on how to retrieve discarded Methadone bottles from the dumpster. The boys went into the dumpster and retrieved two large bags full of plastic Methadone bottles. The trio returned to 99 Mayfield Circle where Newkirk extracted small amounts of Methadone from each bottle, ultimately obtaining a quantity that he shared with the two boys. The boys later became sick and passed out. Bryce Parson never awoke and was discovered deceased the next morning.Newkirk was subsequently arrested on the charge of delivering a controlled substance to a person under 18. Meanwhile, police waited for toxicology results from the autopsy conducted on Bryce Parson. Newkirk was being held on a $100,000 bond but just recently bonded out of jail. Toxicology results recently received showed that Parson had a fatal level of Methadone in his system at the time of his death.( Some reports state 10 times the lethal amount. )

Lewiston AA Member Indicted On Murder Charges

Bob Ryder 21, pleads not guilty to murder charges after Androscoggin County,Maine Grand Jury indicted him for murder. Bob Ryder is a Androscoggin Alcoholics Anonymous member of Maine. He told his sponsor of the murder,yet the sponsor waited 2 weeks before going to police!

AA members keep secrets about the crimes of fellow AA members.Another sponsor eventually thought they should tell police.They were concerned with breaking anonymity. They might of only reported after being afraid that they would be implicated in the murder considering one sponsor gave Bob advice on how to cover up the smell of Danita Browns decomposing body in Bobs basement.

AA Is a Public Nuisance Declares Attorney That Files Lawsuit In Washington State Against AA and Church

Here is yet another example of AA/NA groups being a public nuisance! This is a growing nationwide problem. The churches need to be held accountable as well as they are renting to groups without the proper zoning permits and are puttting their congregation in danger.

This is the Fort Sherman Chapel Group,District Area 92AA located in Washington State causing numerous problems for the neighborhood.

Attorney goes after AA group

A Fortgrounds attorney wants Alcoholics Anonymous to keep it down.

Out of frustration with a local AA group’s raucous gatherings, Edward W. Kok has filed legal action against the Washington State District Area 92 AA, Fort Sherman Chapel Group and unnamed AA members.

Kok (pronounced like Coke), who lives on Forest Drive, says his quality of life has been thwarted by the hubbub of AA meetings across the street at Fort Sherman Chapel.

“The actions of the defendants are offensive to the senses, are an obstruction to the free use of plaintiff’s property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property,” Kok wrote in a legal complaint filed in district court on Sept. 8.

Kok is representing himself.

The 53-year-old alleges that members of the group – who meet at the chapel every day at 8 a.m. and also Mondays at 5 p.m. – converse loudly before and after meetings.

“…The sound is as though the AA members are meeting in the plaintiff’s front yard,” the legal complaint reads.

Sometimes loud motors and conversation starts long before 7 a.m. and goes as late as 9 p.m., the document reads. Individuals’ cars have also blocked spaces for residents in the area.

It’s a public nuisance, according to Kok.

He also alleges that the group’s meetings are unlawful, as the gatherings take place without a special use permit required for religious organization or community meetings.

That means the Museum of North Idaho is at fault, as well, Kok reports, as the nonprofit corporation owns and operates the Fort Sherman Chapel.

“The defendant museum and perhaps AA as well knew or should have known” about the group’s use of the structure for years, the legal complaint states.

Efforts to find an individual claiming authority for the AA group have been futile, Kok wrote in his complaint.

As he hasn’t been able to track down members, his legal action labels those defendants as John and Jane Does 1-100.

Kok is requesting a judge to enjoin the museum from allowing AA further use of the chapel.

He is also asking for $7,500 in attorney’s fees, though he wouldn’t say if he plans to bring another attorney on board.

“I’m committed to seeing this through to some satisfactory solution,” Kok said on Wednesday.

Individual members of the chapel AA group either couldn’t be reached, or preferred to retain anonymity and not be quoted.


Homeowners have had to contend with AA and NA members urinating and littering on their lawns as well as profanity and other abusive language aimed at passersbys!

Members are often transient,attending to fulfill parole obligations. “It has become an unbearable situation” says one local resident.

Holly Hill Florida Drug Related Shooting 3 Unjured 1 Dead.

April 16th 2011 Holly Hill Florida we have a drug related shooting close to Sunrise Park where the chief of police Mark Barker states that the victims that were shot were” all bad guys”.Also very well known by the local police department.
All had previous arrests,including some drug charges. One was on ‘drug felony probation with special concern’ who had done time for home invasion robbery with a firearm.Another possession of cocaine, grand theft, and having a concealed loaded 38 caliber gun.When you are on drug felony probation it is typical that part of the substance abuse treatment is mandated AA or NA meetings. Nobody in their right mind would think running a substance abuse treatment program business, made up of many types of felons in a park is in the best interest of public safety. It is also against zoning ordinances to run a business out of a park.This ordinance is not enforced.