Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Sued By Parents of Murder Victim Karla Brada

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services and Santa Clarita Alcoholics Anonymous has been sued by the parents of murder victim Karla Brada.

Parents Accuse AA of Harboring a Predator

Grieving parents say in court that their daughter was murdered by her sociopathic addict boyfriend because Alcoholics Anonymous concealed his history of domestic violence.

”  The Mendezes say that AA showed a “reckless disregard for, and deliberate indifference … to the safety and security of victims attending AA meetings who are repeatedly preyed on at these meetings by financial, violent, and sexual predators like Earle.” AA has known for years that meetings “are repeatedly used by financial, sexual, and violent predators as a means to locate victims,” according to the lawsuit in Superior Court.
But nevertheless the organization has no “specific policies and guidelines concerning conduct of so-called ‘sponsors'” and does little to supervise them.”

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Pentagon Wises Up And Snubs Alcoholics Anonymous

The Pentagon snubs Alcoholics Anonymous and does not support mandating AA Meetings. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel! The following article addresses the dismay of 12 steppers that just don’t get it! They still want the Pentagon to continue forcing service members to attend AA Meetings. Such arrogance and the continuing beating the ‘AA is the only way” drum is deafening. 
 Mandating 12 step meetings though is still very much a part of the Armed Forces Substance Abuse Programs that are very outdated. 

Utah Based Troubled Teen Boarding Schools Subject of Lawsuit

Hundreds of students are suing a Utah based troubled teen schools, some mandating Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Much abuse happens at these schools and families are suing many of the Utah Troubled Teen Schools.

Utah-based troubled-teen schools subject of lawsuit

By , Deseret News

Published: Tuesday, Sept. 6 2011 6:39 p.m. MDT

SALT LAKE CITY — Attorneys representing 350 former students and 150 of their parents have renewed their claims of fraud, breach of contract and allegations of abuse against a Utah-based organization running schools for troubled children.

The lawsuit filed last week in 3rd District Court against the World Wide Association of Specialty Schools jump starts claims of damages filed back in 2006 in federal court — a case dismissed at that level because of jurisdictional issues.

Tenets of the case, however, remain the same, alleging the umbrella of schools charged thousands of dollars a month in tuition but failed to deliver on educational promises and psychological treatment plans.

In addition, the suit outlines of host of abuses students say were perpetuated on them while in the care of the schools, including:

• Unsanitary living conditions

• Being kicked, beaten, thrown and slammed to the ground

• Sexual abuse

• Chained and locked in dog cages

• Forced to lie in urine and feces as a method of punishment

WWASPS, owned by Utahns Robert Lichfield, Brent M. Facer and Ken Kay, has been the subject of multiple lawsuits and investigations over the years resulting from allegations always flatly denied and rejected by its attorneys.

Multiple ancillary programs and services are alleged to be part of a network that supported schools operating in Mexico, Jamaica and throughout the United States, including Utah.

Some of the schools have been criminally investigated by state or local authorities, including an expansive probe by the New York Attorney General’s Office of Ivy Ridge Academy near the border of Canada and the United States.

At the time of a 2005 settlement reached in that case, New York state attorneys said Ivy Ridge was behind one of the largest educational fraud cases in the history of the state. The school was ordered to partially reimburse tuition costs of parents and to refrain from advertising that it offered educational diplomas because it was not an accredited institution recognized by state officials.

Casa by the Sea, another specialty school, was shut down after a raid by Mexican officials in 2004.

Ivy Ridge was operated by a Jason Finlinson, said to be Robert Lichfield’s, son-in-law, and Casa by the Sea was operated by Narvin Lichfield, Robert Lichfield’s brother.

Such relationships also go to the heart of this latest lawsuit that alleges a network of related, or closely related individuals, operating in a single enterprise that “skimmed such large amounts of money off the amounts paid by parents that little was left to provide services and care for the children at the boarding facilities.”

Attorney Windle Turley, of Dallas, Texas, said he is hopeful that the restructured lawsuit will move forward in state district court and give his clients a forum to air their complaints.

The plaintiffs seek a court order a jury trial and unspecified damages.

Army Trying To Brainwash The Entire Military With AA Program That Has No Science Behind It

Military Not Doing Enough to Curb Alcohol, Drug Abuse, IOM Concludes

This story also includes strong criticism of the program from a number of prominent people in the psychiatric community who said the Army was trying to “brainwash” its entire military population with a program that has no sound science behind it in evidence-based medicine.

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Convicted Felon Alcoholics Anonymous Member Arrested After Call to LSU University With Bomb Threat

William Bouvay Jr. mug

Felon AA Member and Baton Rouge resident William Bouvay Jr. was arrested for calling in a bomb threat bomb threat to LSU University. He has a long rap sheet of run-ins  including multiple accounts of domestic abuse, theft, improper telephone communication, violation of a protective order and attempted second-degree murder!

Last year in 2011 he was court mandated to attend AA meetings after pleading guilty to felony domestic assault and battery after being charged with second degree murder!

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West Virginia AA Member Arrested In Murder of Fellow AA Member He Met At Treatment Center

Adam C. McCloud

AA Member Adam C. McCloud met Sara Jean Williams at a drug treatment center and went to AA meetings together. They rented an apartment, and not long after he was arrested for the beating and strangulation of AA member Sara Jean Williams. Here is another story of a woman who has died at the hands of a mentally deranged AA member.

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Father Guilty of Felony Child Abuse of Son With 4 Broken Limbs Attends AA Meetings Prior To Sentencing

AA Member Leonard Dorame only gets one year in prison and probation after pleading guilty to abusing his 4 month old son who was found to have 4 broken limbs after he was in his care? Also the boy is permanently disabled now because of brain trauma from the injuries. He did not admit to beating his son, but only that he failed to take him to the hospital! What kind of justice is this? He is now not allowed around children under 15 years of age.

He also attended anger management classes and domestic violence classes along with AA Meetings. Yet he is allowed at AA Meetings where there are children?! He even eluded police afterwards for weeks before he was captured.The good ol’ Alcoholics Anonymous get out of jail card working it’s magic once again in our judicial system.

Sickening isn’t it?


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Daytona Beach Narcotics Anonymous Member has been arrested for cocaine possession and battery, violating his drug offender probation. This NA Member has been arrested  66 times in his criminal career, which includes burglary. Henry Wheeler was the star witness in convicting the drug dealer Melvin Brown JR who killed his friend. Henry Wheeler ripped off Melvin Brown Jr over a 50.00 crack deal, which provoked the killing.

This is typical of who the courts are mandating to both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings!  Stewart Marchman and Vince Carter Rehab Centers refer teens to Daytona AA and NA upon release to continue the 12 step brainwashing they received in SMA and Vince Carter. This practice puts these minors in grave danger.

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12 Step Vince Carter Employed Corey Hodges After His Felony Arrest at Tomoka State Prison For Smuggling Drugs


Corey Hodges was hired by Vince Carter Sanctuary in 2008 located in Flagler County. They said he passed a background check. Oh really? I guess they did not care that Corey Hodges had been charged with a felony, and was fired while working as a correction officer at Tomoka State Prison for bringing drugs into the prison in 2007.

 There is no way they could of missed the fact that he also completed Daytona Beach Stewart Marchman’s Act’s own ADI program! This is an Anti-Drug Initiative Diversion Program which was court mandated by Volusia County Court because of Corey Hodges drug problems. Doing a background check does not do much good if you totally disregard that he had been arrested for a felony at another facilty, and only got off by completing a Volusia County Drug Treatment program through Stewart Marchman Act themselves! This is totally irresponsible that he was hired in the first place by Vince Carter Santuary that is owned by Stewart Marchman. They knew exactly who they were dealing with. Then when he was investigated  this year for inappropriate sexual verbal conduct with a resident in Flagler, they did not fire him then! They just moved him to another facility like the Catholic Church is so good at. 12 steppers are so good at sweeping sexual misconduct under the rug. When are the authorities going to put their foot down?

They even planned to allow him to come back to Vince Carter Sanctuary after the patient had left treatment! What a slap in the face to the girl and her family.  I hope they have  good molestation Insurance! Because of 12 Step Stewart Marchman’s and 12 Step Vince Carter’s irresponsible actions, a young girl has now been molested at Stewart Marchman Act Adolescent facility. They finally decided to fire him. The question is why was he hired in the first place?

Any other victims or anyone with information about Hodges is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office’s Sex Crimes Unit at (386) 323-3574.

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Castle Huntly Prisoner Allowed Out to Attend AA Meetings Rapes 16 Year Old Girl

Convicted for attempted murder of a policeman, Robert Foye was serving time at the Castle Huntly prison in Scotland built in 1452. He was allowed out to attend AA Meetings. He absconded  and raped a 16 year old girl.

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Woman Uses Pit Bull as Weapon Is Convicted Of Assault Then Mandated To AA Meetings

This Canadian woman is a real danger to society with a major drinking problem and mean streak, like her Pit Bull that she ordered to attack and kill people. Thank goodness no one actually died, but the Pit Bull left many seriously wounded. She was sentenced to 16 months in jail. Then after she gets out of jail, she is ordered to attend Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings! This is one crazy lady I would not want to be sitting next to at an AA Meeting…..

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Daytona Beach 12 Step Facility Stewart Marchman Act Employee Charged With Sexually Abusing Teens at Facility


12 Step Stewart Marchman Act Adolescent Facilty has fired Corey Hodges 34, over allegations of sexually abusing minor girls at the facility. Corey Hodges had been arrested in 2007 on felony charges for bringing drugs into the Tomoka Correctional Institution while working there as a correctional officer. The charges were dropped after he went through the Stewart Marchman ADI Level 1 program (anti-drug initiative) diversion program. How did this man get employment as a “Child Specialist” at Stewart Marchman Act after that ? What kind of background checks do they do? What training did he have? Continue reading

Trivino Plead Guilty to Assault and Battery of Woman at Boston University is Mandated To AA Meetings

Corey Trivino is mandated to Alcoholics Aonymous meetings after pleading guilty to assault and battery of a woman in a Boston University Dorm. Here we have another man being violently sexually abusive to a woman being sent to the rooms of AA.

AA Member Mark Kerrigan Wants To Go Back To Jail

AA Member Mark Kerrigan wanted to go back to jail, instead of finishing out his probation. Part of his probation is to attend AA meetings for physically attacking his father, who died during the struggle. Do you think Mark Kerrigan just might prefer jail than being forced to go to AA meetings? Continue reading

Right Hand Man of Alleged Drug Kingpin Attends NA Meetings

Drug trafficker jailed  17th August 2012

A MAN who claimed to be the “right-hand man” of alleged Bundaberg drug kingpin Danny Thomas Moran has been sentenced to six years in jail for trafficking dangerous drugs for more than three years.

Woman Mandated to AA Meetings For Stabbing Boyfriend With a Kitchen Knife

Jessica Sampson charged with stabbing her boygriend twice is mandated to AA meetings. Another violent criminal sent to the rooms of AA.

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Carjacking In Holly Hill By Convicted Car Thief Randolph Harris lll Injures Woman,76

A Carjacking occurred In Holly Hill Fl by convicted felon Randolph Harris, who had recently served 2 years for carjacking, and has a long criminal history. This is not an uncommon profile of who is mandated to Daytona Narcotics Anonymous and Daytona Alcoholics Anonymous. Continue reading

Thief Steals 190K From Military Mandated to Alcoholics Anonymous

This thief gets to leave home on conditional release to attend AA meetings! Continue reading

Meth Addicts Rejected By Recovered 12 Stepper Meth Guys

This is a sad state of affairs on aiding meth addicts in this jail. AA is not working, and even the few who have  recovered in the county Jail Alcoholics Anonymous are rejecting meth addicts. They do not want anything to do with them! Continue reading

Court Mandated Daytona NA Member Indicted In Murder of 2 Local Women

James Maxwell was indicted for the murder of Chasity Starr and Pamela Sue Will. Chasity Starr was a Holly Hill resident. He was already in jail for raping a 9 year old in a Park. He had been mandated to Narcotics Anonymous meetings to meet probation requirements for prior felony convictions. Why was this man even allowed on the streets? With today’s guidelines he would still have been in jail. So tragic that he raped a little girl and killed 2 local women while out on probation.

How can Judges and probation officers mandate AA and NA meetings for such dangerous felons, knowing children and teens are at these meetings as well? Why does the City of Holly Hill allow the likes of James Maxwell to go to 12 step meetings steps away from the childrens playgrounds?

Rape suspect James Maxwell indicted in killings of 2 women

August  9, 2012  6:00 PM

PORT ORANGE — A grand jury indicted James Maxwell — already a suspect in a child rape and abduction — today in the killing of two women.


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This is a timely story from our neighboring Flagler County, who has also had safety problems in their Palm Coast Ralph Carter Park. Palm Coast installed security cameras and added extra patrol to help with the crime in their park.  Continue reading


A Minor was Molested at an Alcoholics ANonymous meeting In Nashville, Tennessee. AA member Jeremy Bartles was arrested for the sexual battery of a young girl during an AA Meeting. Continue reading

AA Sponsor Drugs and Rapes Children and Is Sentenced 30 Years

AA Sponsor Randolf Pozdol raped 2 small children of the mother he sponsored in Alcoholics Anonymous. She later died of an overdose. These children were only 4 and 7 years old when he started drugging them, raping them and then filmed the rapes.  Continue reading

Daytona NA Member Sentenced to 24 Years In Murder of 14 Year old Bryce Parsons

Daytona NA Member Richard Newkirk was sentenced to 24 years in prison in a plea deal after he was indicted for 1st degree murder in the death of Ormond Beach 14 year-old Bryce Parson. Richard Newkirk was well known to Holly Hill PD and he had a lengthy criminal history related to drugs. Continue reading

Young People In AA Are Falling Through The Cracks


Young People are being failed by AA in more ways than even this article outlines. In this Washington Post article author Chelsea speaks about the drug connections and party buddies she met at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Continue reading