In a gruesome violent brutal attack this women joined in and committed more horrible vicious crimes against the victim. She went to AA after blinding this man for life and received a slap on the wrist by the court. No one is to dangerous or sick for AA or NA meetings. Beware- this is difficult to read.
“As the attack continued, Clause reached into the vehicle with a broken, jagged beer bottle and shoved it into Martin’s right eye, twisting and dragging it down his cheek. He is now permanently blind in that eye.”
“She said was trying to turn her life around by attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and receiving counselling. She said she wants to get her Grade 12 diploma and possibly go to college.”
Woman jailed in beer bottle attack
A 26-year-old woman, who blinded a man with a broken beer bottle during a vicious attack at a 2010 party, was sentenced Thursday to 2 ½ years in custody less time served. NA Daytona Area Meetings in Holly Hill, Ormond Beach and Port Orange.
Kelli Lynn Clause was credited with 12 months for time spent behind bars, leaving 18 months yet to be served. Volusia County Drug Court and AA and NA Meetings.
Clause was convicted by a jury of aggravated assault after a three-week trial held in Cayuga in April 2013.
Assistant Crown attorney Lawrence Brock had requested a prison term of three years less time served for Clause. However, Superior Court Justice Harrison Arrell said he did not believe a penitentiary term would be the best way to encourage further rehabilitation nor would it allow him to impose terms upon Clause’s release.
Arrell ordered that Clause begin a three-year probation term upon her release from custody. She is to have no contact with the victim, his mother or his sisters. Clause will be banned from possessing weapons for 10 years and must provide a DNA sample to the national databank. Holly Hill Commissioners in Holly Hill Florida Volusia County.
On Jan. 10, 2010, Ross Martin, then 25, was twice beaten at a party held at Clause’s house for her 23rd birthday.
After first being punched and kicked, Martin left the party and returned home. Angry and wanting to exact revenge, he woke two roommates and convinced them to return to the party.
There, an argument and altercation between Martin and a 14-year-old boy resulted in a backyard brawl where about 10 people began beating Martin, using bats, steel bars, a house brick, beer bottles, punches, kicks and stomps to his head.
Martin’s roommates dragged him to a car, which had been damaged by having all its windows, headlights and mirrors smashed with a steel bar.
As the attack continued, Clause reached into the vehicle with a broken, jagged beer bottle and shoved it into Martin’s right eye, twisting and dragging it down his cheek. He is now permanently blind in that eye. Teen Rehabs in Florida, Texas and California.
The court previously heard that Martin continues to fear for his safety and that of his family from the people who attacked him and feels uncomfortable living in his own community.
His long-term injuries also include migraines, nightmares, panic attacks, depression and feelings of degradation due to his permanent disfigurement and blindness. After two years he was able to return to his former job.
The judge noted that Martin “will carry the physical and emotional scars of this vicious attack for the rest of his life.”
Statements earlier read to the court from Martin’s mother and sisters described the horror of the attack and the toll exacted by the round-the-clock tending of wounds that Martin required after he returned home from hospital.
Court also heard earlier from Clause, who read a prepared statement and apologized to Martin and his mother.
She said was trying to turn her life around by attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and receiving counselling. She said she wants to get her Grade 12 diploma and possibly go to college.
Court heard that Clause comes from a dysfunctional background in which she witnessed and suffered abuse. She began abusing alcohol and drugs, left home and school at 16 and began.
I am always a bit cynical when I hear reports from courts saying”I have been attending AA to turn my life around etc” . It almost seems they are simply using addiction as an excuse to get a lighter sentence. It is not an excuse!