A Carjacking occurred In Holly Hill Fl by convicted felon Randolph Harris, who had recently served 2 years for carjacking, and has a long criminal history. This is not an uncommon profile of who is mandated to Daytona Narcotics Anonymous and Daytona Alcoholics Anonymous. There are violent felons that have been in and out of prison, that are sent to 12 step meetings. We agree with Chief Mark Barker in his assessment of this crime that this was despicable! We share his anger about felons like Randolph Harris being let out of jail so soon after so many crimes. This poor 76 year old woman is lucky to alive!
We do not need the judicial system sending these felons on probation to our Holly Hill City Parks, like Sunrise Park, HollyLand Park, Centennial Park, Ross Point or Riverside Park to attend court mandated AA and NA meetings. Enough is enough!
Carjack ends in crash after chase through Daytona Beach
Woman, 76, injured after being dragged By LYDA LONGA, STAFF WRITER
August 21, 2012 5:10 AMA 76-year-old woman was dragged alongside her car Monday when a convicted car thief — who’d been released from prison in April and arrested on similar charges another time since then — jumped in her Chevy and roared off, Holly Hill police said.Jacquelyn MacDougall — who is recovering from her injuries at a hospital — told police she left her keys in the ignition while she filled up at the Sunoco gas station on Walker Street and Nova Road at 9:15 a.m. Monday.That’s when police say Randolph Harris III was dropped off by someone in a dark-colored vehicle that pulled up alongside MacDougall’s Chevy Malibu. MacDougall’s friend, 79-year-old Annie Gomez, had gone inside the convenience store, police said.MacDougall later told police she recently suffered a stroke that partly paralyzed her right side, leaving her unable to let go of the gas pump handle when the suspect drove off with her car.”The gas pump handle was still in the car when he (the suspect) took off,” Holly Hill Police Chief Mark Barker said. “She (MacDougall) was holding on to the gas pump handle as she was filling up and she was dragged a few feet.”This is just despicable,” Barker added.When officers arrived at the scene, MacDougall was lying on her right side on the ground near pump 6, which was destroyed when it was yanked by the car speeding away, police said. MacDougall was bleeding from the head and it looked as if her right arm was broken, her hip and knee injured, police said. She was taken to Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center in Daytona Beach.Barker was angry not only because of the injuries MacDougall suffered but also because of the 20-year-old suspect’s record. He said Harris is a convicted car thief who was released from the Central Florida Reception Center in Orlando in April after serving two years for auto theft.He was arrested again in May by Daytona Beach police and charged with stealing a car. Harris was scheduled for trial for that charge in September, court records show.
“What do you do with an individual like that?” Barker asked. “Maybe our system will put him away for a long time. That woman is lucky to be alive.”
Neither MacDougall nor Gomez could be reached for comment Monday.
Harris was caught about 25 minutes after the heist, Barker said, with the help of Daytona Beach police and a sheriff’s Air One — which tracked Harris the entire time he was racing through Holly Hill and Daytona Beach in the stolen car. The suspect was stopped at Live Oak Avenue and the railroad tracks after he crashed MacDougall’s car.
“The coordination between agencies was outstanding,” Barker said. “My hat’s off to Air One for coordinating the ground crews.”
Harris was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail and charged with carjacking, aggravated battery of a person over the age of 65 and theft. He was being held later Monday on $30,000 bail.

Click on link to see Air Chopper Video of the car chase with police view at bottom of article-
Did you see Randolph Harris in the court room on Channel 13 news? He just doesn’t get it! You can clearly see by his body language that he has no remorse, as Holly Hill police Chief Mark Barker indicated in his interview, the justice system poses no threat to these individuals! The way that some of these people get arrested 10, 20, 30 times or more just to get let out over and over again to go to AA/NA meetings, why should they be concerned? It’s clearly just a game without any real consequence to many of them! Check out how concerned he looks in this picture when you click on this link for channel 13 news. http://www.cfnews13.com/content/news/cfnews13/news/article.html/content/news/articles/cfn/2012/8/20/elderly_woman_carjac.html
I agree, when you go to http://www.volusia.org and click on” inmate info ” in the list of options in the 2nd column on the right-hand side of the homepage, you can put in any name and retrieve the dated mugshots related to that person’s arrests in Volusia County.
You can click on the more recent mugshots to obtain basic information regarding that particular arrest.
I think most people would be shocked to see just how many times and for what some of these court mandated AA/NA members have been arrested.
Many are arrested for violent crimes including assault with a deadly weapon, carjacking and sex offenses among other things. They then are simply let out to attend AA/NA meetings, only to commit more crimes, and eventually get caught again to go through the revolving door over and over!
Narcotics Anonymous encourages these repeat offenders to come to Centennial Park, advertising the park/playground as their regular place of business.
They set up shop in Holly Hill Parks because it’s free, they can chain smoke and because Holly Hill lacks the basic Park standards that all other jurisdictions in Volusia County have. These guidelines prevent ANY ORGANIZATION from monopolizing a public park/playground as a place to conduct their regular business.
Compare Park regulations for Holly Hill with all other parks in Volusia County at http://www.municode.com
Narcotics Anonymous completely takes over Centennial Park’s parking and Pavilion area monopolizing the park on a regular basis as a” freebie, totally disregarding their 7th tradition which states they should pay their own way.”
Daytona AA/NA are not permitted to hold their meetings in Daytona or other parks in Volusia County.
Check out http://www.volusia.org and look up NA member William Hull for yourself. This young man in his 20s had been arrested 22 times prior to this arrest in Volusia County alone! More recent mugshots reveal public information like assault with a deadly weapon etc. etc.
In reply to the above comment,
I remember reading the above comment about this young NA member with 22 prior arrests, who was caught injecting drugs in the bathroom at Centennial Park!