Donald Judge outside Manly Local Court


AA Member Donald Judge 69, was sentenced for possessing over  6690 images and 2382 videos of child porn with children as young as 5 years old. He was an AA Sponsor to others in Alcoholics Anonymous. I wonder how many sexual inventories did he take of minors in his care? Yes that is standard AA practice to get 12 step members, including teens to talk about their sex lives.  AA is NOT just about  drinking alcohol, they want to know all the dirt on every person who walks into the rooms. If you do not comply, then they tell you that you are not working the program and will fail.

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Teacher Had Sex With Students Gets AA Get Out Of Jail Early Card

<b>DAY 3:</b> Stacy Schuler talks with a family member during a break in her trial.

Teacher turned AA member was jailed after recieving 16 felony counts of sexual battery and three misdemeanor counts of providing alcohol to minors, which were her students. While in jail she attended AA Meetings. She requested early release that was granted provided she continue her ” drug and alcohol treatment and counseling for sex offenders”. Hopefully your teenager wont be sitting next to this X-teacher, mentally ill sex offender.

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