Pittsfield Caregiver Admits To Stealing From 86 Year Old

Kim C.Merriam after having 20 charges brought against her in part from stealing from a 86 year old woman that she cared for has started both Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous while in jail. This newly minted AA/NA member will be told to go to a AA/NA meeting ASAP from leaving the jail when she get out. No one at the meeting will be warned of her crimes,it will be up to her to decide if she wants to share that she stole from an 86 year old woman and a host of other crimes at the meetings she attends. You really have no idea who you will be meeting at a meeting,but you should be aware that many are coming straight from jail for all levels of crime.




Hazelden Article About The ‘Stereotypes Linger For NA’

The brainwashing continues.Even though the article admits about NA’s generous open door policy where anyone can come to a meeting-they dont like what they call the stereotype of the “dope shooting criminals and burly tattooed bikers”attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Last I saw in the park meetings, their is still plenty of those that attend as well. NA wants it both ways dont they? Who do they think comprises of  NA ? At least over 40-50% of people in attendance are mandated from Drug Courts and Department of Corrections with felony crimes apart from the drug use like armed robbery, sex crimes,domestic violence and prostitution etc


Florida AA Member Arrested For Attempted Child Kidnapping

Gainsville Florida-Aniball Baris arrested at Florida AA meeting for attempted child kidnapping of a 3 year old child ! Baris was located in a Florida Church attending an AA meeting when arrested.Churches need to consider the safety of their congregation when renting space to 12 step programs.

How can the judicial system continue to mandate sexual predators to AA when they know minors attend meetings and other vulnerable members of society.

Why does both NA Daytona, AA Daytona and their parent Organization think it is okay to encourage minors of any age to attend their meetings? It unethical and shows total disregard for the safety of their members.


Alcoholics Anonymous Could Bring Sexual Predators to Your Church

Is your church bringing sexual predators to your church?

Alcoholics Anonymous members would have you believe that these incidents are few and far between but this is not the case. Sexual abuse, rape, child molestations, physical, and mental abuse take place constantly within and around AA groups. I am astonished by the fact that Churches will allow AA to hold their meetings on their property. In fact the majority of AA meetings are held in churches all over the country.

This should show any reasonable person how little his or her church cares about the welfare of its members. Because AA is an anonymous organization there is no way to know whether the attendees are rapists, murderers, or child molesters. Twelve Steppers swear that meetings are safe places but the truth is that these bad things are happening in conjunction with AA and churches every day.

AA New York Member Poster Child Loots Homes!

AA poster child member respected by many other New York AA members charged with looting homes The. ‘Thelma and Loiuse’ team stunned their group That they not only robbed but they were supporting a drug habit,but telling members she had 12 years sobriety. Jennifer Jones even ran many meetings.


Parents Speak Out About Perverts In Park

 Harlingen Texas. In Arroyo Park these parents are upset because they feel kids should feel safe in a park and not be exposed to sexual perverts. We feel the same way in Holly Hill Fl where sexual perverts roam the parks along with violent felons mandated by the courts.
Keeping children safe should be our top priority!


AA/NA Florida-ACLU Sues Over Faith-based Rehab.Catholic Man Forced into Pentecostal Faith

Joseph Hanas,19 when placed in a diversion program for young non-violent offenders-had to fight Pentecoastals to practice his own religion! This stuff never ceases to amaze me.


Religious Rehab in Florida Sparks Protest About Mandated Florida AA Attendance

The Americans United Sarasota-Manatee Chapter has spoken out against the lack of secular (non-religious) treatment options for inmates at the Sarasota County jail.

We need more people and organizations to stand up and demand separation of church and state. To give inmates and citizens options in the Drug Courts and have probation officers step up to the plate and stop mandating Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. This practice continues in Daytona Beach,Palm Coast the state of Florida not to mention the entire nation.Let’s put in end to this unconstitutional practive now!


NA Daytona Beach/Holly Hill Fl ‘By Young Addicts For Young Addicts’

Here we go with NA promoting the attendance of teens with there own brochure just for youth. Read it and weep. Unbelievable.This should be against the law to treat minors without a substance abuse treatment license.

Here is a pathetic excerpt encouraging minors to talk to Narcotics Anonymous about their experiences with sex and orientation! NA has no business encouraging minors to speak to untrained and non professional members including sexual offenders and violent felons about their sex life. Sounds perverted.Cant believe NA has this in a printed booklet for minors.

Sex, Drugs, and . . .
As young members, coming to terms with our sexuality 
in recovery can be difficult. Our experiences with sex 
can include anything from our sexual orientation to 
break-ups, pregnancy, unmanageability, confusion, 
and shame or guilt about things we’ve done or things 
that happened to us. We’ll hear lots of opinions and 
suggestions about sex and relationships in recovery. 
We may not always listen to what others have to say, 
but we can make an effort to talk openly with our 
sponsor and other members we trust. Sometimes 
our feelings about sex and relationships make drugs 
start to seem like a solution again. Instead, we share 
what we’re going through and ask for guidance 
and support. Recovery will help us get through 
our feelings clean. When we share honestly about 
ourselves, we’re an example for others.


Lewiston AA Member Indicted On Murder Charges

Bob Ryder 21, pleads not guilty to murder charges after Androscoggin County,Maine Grand Jury indicted him for murder. Bob Ryder is a Androscoggin Alcoholics Anonymous member of Maine. He told his sponsor of the murder,yet the sponsor waited 2 weeks before going to police!

AA members keep secrets about the crimes of fellow AA members.Another sponsor eventually thought they should tell police.They were concerned with breaking anonymity. They might of only reported after being afraid that they would be implicated in the murder considering one sponsor gave Bob advice on how to cover up the smell of Danita Browns decomposing body in Bobs basement.


AA Is a Public Nuisance Declares Attorney That Files Lawsuit In Washington State Against AA and Church

Here is yet another example of AA/NA groups being a public nuisance! This is a growing nationwide problem. The churches need to be held accountable as well as they are renting to groups without the proper zoning permits and are puttting their congregation in danger.

This is the Fort Sherman Chapel Group,District Area 92AA located in Washington State causing numerous problems for the neighborhood.

Attorney goes after AA group

A Fortgrounds attorney wants Alcoholics Anonymous to keep it down.

Out of frustration with a local AA group’s raucous gatherings, Edward W. Kok has filed legal action against the Washington State District Area 92 AA, Fort Sherman Chapel Group and unnamed AA members.

Kok (pronounced like Coke), who lives on Forest Drive, says his quality of life has been thwarted by the hubbub of AA meetings across the street at Fort Sherman Chapel.

“The actions of the defendants are offensive to the senses, are an obstruction to the free use of plaintiff’s property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property,” Kok wrote in a legal complaint filed in district court on Sept. 8.

Kok is representing himself.

The 53-year-old alleges that members of the group – who meet at the chapel every day at 8 a.m. and also Mondays at 5 p.m. – converse loudly before and after meetings.

“…The sound is as though the AA members are meeting in the plaintiff’s front yard,” the legal complaint reads.

Sometimes loud motors and conversation starts long before 7 a.m. and goes as late as 9 p.m., the document reads. Individuals’ cars have also blocked spaces for residents in the area.

It’s a public nuisance, according to Kok.

He also alleges that the group’s meetings are unlawful, as the gatherings take place without a special use permit required for religious organization or community meetings.

That means the Museum of North Idaho is at fault, as well, Kok reports, as the nonprofit corporation owns and operates the Fort Sherman Chapel.

“The defendant museum and perhaps AA as well knew or should have known” about the group’s use of the structure for years, the legal complaint states.

Efforts to find an individual claiming authority for the AA group have been futile, Kok wrote in his complaint.

As he hasn’t been able to track down members, his legal action labels those defendants as John and Jane Does 1-100.

Kok is requesting a judge to enjoin the museum from allowing AA further use of the chapel.

He is also asking for $7,500 in attorney’s fees, though he wouldn’t say if he plans to bring another attorney on board.

“I’m committed to seeing this through to some satisfactory solution,” Kok said on Wednesday.

Individual members of the chapel AA group either couldn’t be reached, or preferred to retain anonymity and not be quoted.





Priest Guilty Sexual Abusing Minors Attended Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings!

You just cant make this crap up! Cover up of Sexual Abuse by the Church of Priest who attended AA.Alter Boy sues Charlotte Diocese for sexual abuse.


Detroit AA Member Pleads Guilty to Stabbing Man!

Fulk 30, pleads guilty to assault to do great bodily harm in connection with stabbing Detroit man. She let the judge know that she goes to AA meetings.

Well that should make it all okay,right? It would be nice to know which meetings she is attending! But wait-she will be anonymous, and no one will know unless she chooses to describe the horror story for all members to hear including and not limited to children present and encouraged to attend.



Richard Mayfield 72,pleads guilty in AA Fraud Scheme.This was in Larimer County Colorado. Within AA/NA members are also vulnerable to financial scams by trusted members,some who have been a AA/NA member for decades!


AA Deception and Deniability Article By JR Harris

This article gives insight as to why AA is so dangerous. There is literally no accountability when crimes occur within the organization in an attempt to not become liable for the murders and rapes that take place as a direct result to attending and meeting people at NA/AA meetings.

By JR Harris – July 18, 2011

Despite the fact that AA has a definite chain of command and an AA Corporate home office, it’s members claim that there is no controlling body in Alcoholics Anonymous and can not be held accountable for the actions of its members. It gets away with doing this because of what is called Plausible Deniability. In a nutshell they are using the AA members they recruit as prospects and the cloak of anonymity of  the AA Corporate Home Office in New York, to give them a way out of any trouble they may get into. If anything bad happens because of one or more of their members, they quickly abandon that member and disavow any control over that individual or group of individuals to protect themselves using Plausible Deniability by blaming those underneath them.

Plausible deniability refers to the denial of blame in loose and informal chains of command where upper rungs quarantine the blame to the lower rungs, and the lower rungs are often inaccessible, meaning confirming responsibility for the action is nearly impossible. In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such acts.

The big problem with this command structure is that currently a percentage of these members come from the court systems as potential violent criminals who deny this because of the anonymity that AA provides. AA is set up to make its members find “prospects” forindoctrination into Alcoholics Anonymous and where to find them.

“Perhaps you are not acquainted with any drinkers who want to recover. You can easily find some by asking a few doctors, ministers, priests or hospitals.” Pg. 89 “Big Book”

The above quote is from the original 164 pages of the “Big Book” and is considered the foundation of the Alcoholics Anonymous movement. Over the years that followed the 1936 publishing of the “Big Book”, the “hospital” part of where they searched for prospects for Alcoholics Anonymous somehow changed to “hospitals and institutions” (H&I) with the institution part referring to the court system for DUIDrug and Alcohol Courts and the general prison population.
Because of the “cloak” of anonymity and the problem of getting an accurate count of its anonymous members, it is nearly impossible to find out how many people actually come from the court systems. AA members always claim that the percentage is extremely low, but you will also hear many times during meetings that they have been arrested and put in jail where they “hit bottom” and find the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous and the problems that we are seeing are not going to change until the cloak on anonymity and the plausible deniability of the AA Corporate Office and its individual members are made accountable for their actions.

AA Florida Ormond Beach Woman Robbed By AA Florida Member

This woman met ‘Lonnie’ at a Florida AA meeting and was robbed. Because of AA’s secretiveness-last name is unknown. This is why you don’t need Daytona AA or Daytona NA meetings in our parks. No one is held accountable.They hide behind being Anonymous. Florida NA and AA have been known to not co-operate with police when a crime has happened to protect their members.

Man Robs Woman He Met At Aa Meeting, Police Say

May 17, 1995

ORMOND BEACH — Police are searching for a middle-aged white man who robbed an Ormond Beach woman after meeting her at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, authorities said.

The 57-year-old woman met the man at an AA meeting three weeks ago and let him move into her home on Woodland Avenue in Ormond Beach for about a week, police said.

The man assaulted the woman last Thursday, tied her up and stole her television, VCR, jewelry and 1976 Plymouth Valiant, a brown four-door with license number KGK-42Z, police said.

The man, whose first name is Lonnie, was described as 48 or 49 years old, 5-feet-10 and 165 pounds with short brown hair.

Anyone with information about the man is asked to call Detective John Bayne at (904) 676-3519.


Man Stabs AA Member Leading 12 Step Meeting

This man was stabbed by a fellow Alcoholics Anonymous member while leading the meeting. AA or NA has no warning of who shows up to the meetings. The courts send violent felons leaving members at grave risk.

 T.C. Man Stabs Person at Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

Updated: Apr 15, 2011 2:49 PM EDT
Grand Traverse Sheriff’s deputies responded around 8:00 Friday morning to report of a man being out of control in Garfield Township. The caller told dispatch that a man had been stabbed and the suspect was being restrained. Police say an AA meeting with 15 attendees was happening when a man began acting out. The incident happened at 1610 Barlow Street in Garfield Township. The chair of the meeting was attempting to call police when the suspect placed the man in a head-lock and cut the victim’s face and neck. When police arrived the suspect was being restrained by three men. The victim had serious injuries to his face and neck. Police do not know why the man attacked and say that the victim does not know the suspect. The victim, from Traverse City, was transported to Munson Medical Center and treated for injuries. The suspect also from Traverse City, was arrested and taken to Grand Traverse County Jail, he is being held on charges of assault with intent to murder. FOX 32 News is will bring you the latest updates in this story as they become available.


Inmates Going To Outside NA and AA Meetings Escapes

Many inmates are allowed out on day passes to attend AA/NA meetings in your community ! Some escape and commit more crimes.


Texas Mom Pleads Guilty In Murder Of 6 Year-Old Son

You never know who might be sitting next to you in an AA meeting.This Texas Mom Juilianne McCrery,42 of Irving Texas, had a felony conviction of a controlled substance -was on 3 years probation in 2004, and 1 year in prison for prostitution in 2009. Typical profile of a AA/NA mandated by the court system while on probation.Many of these offenders are mentally unstable and can snap at any time without proper mental health treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous are not qualified to help these people.Now a child is dead.

Boys Roadside Body

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A Texas woman accused of killing her 6-year-old son in New Hampshire and disposing of his body in rural Maine will plead guilty to killing him, court officials said.

Forty-two-year-old Julianne McCrery is charged with second-degree murder in the death of her son, Camden Hughes.

Her lawyers did not immediately return messages left by The Associated Press. McCrery pleaded not guilty in May and has since waived all other court appearances. A Rockingham Superior Court clerk says no date has been set for her to enter her guilty plea.

The discovery of Camden’s body under a blanket on a dirt road in South Berwick, Maine, on May 14 launched a nationwide effort to identify him. Even as that effort was under way, McCrery called his Irving, Texas, elementary school daily to report him absent.

A medical examiner says Camden died of asphyxiation. The mother and son had stayed in a New Hampshire motel the weekend before his body was discovered.

Texas public records show that McCrery was arrested at least twice on prostitution charges and once for possession with intent to distribute drugs. In 2009, she was sentenced to one year in prison for a misdemeanor conviction of prostitution. In 2004, she was sentenced to three years of probation for a felony conviction of possession of a controlled substance.




Man sent to Alcoholics Anonymous for 90 days for Felony Child Neglect

Raymond Dascott 56, Marathon Florida passed out drunk walking 18 month child in stroller. I am sure he would of been accepted with the poor child at the AA
meetings had he fulfilled that part of his probation.Like the child has not been through enough.
Deputy Colen found 56 year old Raymond Dascott on the ground. In the stroller was a year and a half old child. Also in the stroller: two Keystone Ice beers, still cold.

The deputy woke Dascott, who continued to lay on the ground as he was speaking. Dascott said he was “resting”. He said he’d gone to the Tom Thumb with the child and was returning home to his residence on 24th Street.

The child’s grandmother was located and came to the scene to take charge of the child, who was not harmed during the incident. Dascott was arrested and charged with child neglect.

Dallas Texas Drug Court Deals With Drug Cartel

 In Dallas Texas Judge Lela Mays is the Drug Court Judge who tells a woman to “check in with her higher power”. Then all of the ‘Cartel Customers’ are sent to AA or NA meetings to join the children and teens and other vulnerable members of society that do not know of their felony crimes with heroin, prostitution and crack.

Dallas court gives customers of the cartels a shot at redemption

Courtney Perry/Staff Photographer
Judge Lela Mays listens from the bench as she asks a woman in the S.T.A.C. (Successful Treatment of Addiction through Collaboration) program about her recent relapse during a session of Mays’ weekly women’s drug court.

Staff Writer Published: 14 March 2011 11:07 P.M.

Call it the courtroom of the higher power. Magistrate Judge Lela Mays presides over sessions that unroll like therapy or an Oprah confessional, with zero tolerance for violations. There are nurses and exotic dancers, lawyers and waitresses, the unemployed and the prostituted.

Call the characters in this drama the customers of the cartels.

The docket overflows with drug addicts. Any failures here pump money to the cartels fighting violently for their business. Collateral damage for U.S. society is high. All the women in this drug treatment courtroom have been charged with felonies related to their addictions to cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, alcohol or some cocktail of those substances.

Rachel Fairbanks takes a front-row seat.

She’s a petite 23-year-old with swingy black hair and a diamond stud piercing her left nostril. The single mom’s cocaine addiction makes caring for her 4-year-old son, Nathan, doubly difficult.

Rachel must check in with her probation officer and come to this fifth-floor courtroom once a week, attend a Narcotics Anonymous meeting three times a week, and do community service that can include weeding along county roads or painting public buildings.

Two to three times a week, she’ll urinate in a cup under supervision — an undignified chore that assures she’s drug-free and that the urine is her own.She says jail would be easier.That was in May. In June, she slips up. She’s ordered to wear a narcotics patch for missing required meetings with her sponsor and getting behind in restitution payments.

Series of excuses

At a later session, Rachel is called near Judge Mays’ oak podium — perched at the diagonal for the best range of vision in this beige courtroom. Rachel swears the missing drug patch fell off.The 47-year-old judge is soft-featured, favors hoop earrings and is about Rachel’s height. Her presence leaves no doubt she commands this theater.

“Did you do community service?” Mays asks.

A stream of fast-paced, crisp excuses spills out.“No ma’am. My mom is out of town and I had to work my second job. … I had to work all weekend. I can do it next weekend.”Zero tolerance. That includes two weeks in a minimum-security jail for not wearing the narcotics patch.Another woman’s case is worse.

“How did that drug patch get positive?” the judge asks.

“I don’t know,” comes the answer. The other addicts roll eyes at each other, as if on cue. Peer pressure plays a big role in the court’s choreography of treatment.

“You tested positive for cocaine and amphetamines.”


Mays sighs and looks unhappy. “This is the second person today who said, ‘I didn’t use.’ Y’all cut that stuff out. It doesn’t work.”

And that’s why so many days, Mays asks the women to check in with their higher power — a force affirming their path to redemption.

For some, that power seems to flow from spirituality, or inner confidence or the judge herself. She can spot a suspicious bruise at 20 feet, knuckle-bump when a struggling addict experiences success, and spin a drug user into lockup in such honeyed tones you barely grasp what’s happened until the beefy bailiff nears.

Uphill battle

Behind the courtroom, in her private chambers, Mays, a single mother of two, tells of visiting Ciudad Juárez. The Mexican city, across the border from El Paso, has the worst violence in Mexico. Cartels and youth gangs that assist them there were largely behind some 3,000 deaths in 2010. A fifth of all narcotics-related murders in Mexico took place there, according to the Mexican newspaper chain Grupo Reforma.

“People get caught up in the wave of violence,” Mays says. “If people knew there was a way out, they could do something positive with their lives.”

Repairing lives tied to drugs is difficult. To stay in the program that Mays supervises in Dallas, participants must hold a job or be searching for one. Living situations are scrutinized. Law enforcement checks are extensive.

Her courtroom stays filled. Although many regulars are end users of drugs from Mexico and Colombia, there’s been steady growth in prescription drug abuse. That mirrors federal surveys showing growth in nonmedicinal use of legal drugs over the last decade.

Some offenders who face Mays have drug offenses. Others have nondrug offenses. Federal surveys suggest a link.

In 2009, 56 percent to 82 percent of those arrested and tested with urine analysis had used some type of drug substance, in 10 cities surveyed by the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring program run by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The data is well-regarded; it’s based on physical evidence rather than question responses.

“People say: ‘I want to be tough on crime. I want to put people away,’” the judge says. “If you don’t deal with the drug problem, they come right back. … They educate themselves to be a better criminal.”

Treatment is harder than incarceration, she says. “It’s really easier to do three hots and a cot. But this holds you accountable.”The Dallas County drug treatment courts handle more than 400 cases at any given time in five court sessions a week.

Such courts have been in operation about two decades. Nationwide, there are about 2500 drug courts for adult offenders. But they see only a small portion of offenders; about 5 percent of drug-involved arrestees enter a drug court each year, said John Roman, a senior researcher at the Urban Institute, a think tank.Drug courts average a 10 to 20 percent reduction in re-offending, Roman said, adding that they provide $2.21 in benefits for every $1 in costs.

“Drug treatment courts aren’t a silver bullet,” Roman said. “But it is an important tool for the criminal justice system to use and probably to use more than we do.” Crucial to success is a judge who stays connected to the struggle of the addict, he said.

At the Washington Office on Latin America, another think tank, senior associate John Walsh calls for more attention to drug treatment. But “the heart of our policy remains arrest and incarcerate,” he says. Drug courts address the problem, but with eligibility requirements that tend to accept those who have no violent crimes on their records yet, Walsh says. “They weed out the more serious offenders … for whom the experience of a drug court could be beneficial.”The Dallas program will take those with violence on their record on a case-by-case basis.

Failures and phases

It was an odd courtroom moment. An aging addict named Carla singles out the youthful Rachel for her support. Rachel glows like a candle. Someone pats her on the back.Carla could have been her grandmother. She’s tall, big-boned, 60-plus years of age with a face that looks strained, perhaps by half a life spent in combat with cocaine.

Carla says she feels stupid, depressed and is tired of being sick.The judge tells her: “You have 35 years of addiction. You need to put in 35 years of recovery.”Weeks later, Carla disappears from the Monday courtroom. She calls Rachel.“Rachel, I have been smoking crack again,” she says.

As the weeks go by, there will be other failures. In February, Rachel lands in jail for violating probation. Mays, ever vigilant about affirmation, asks a certain addict at one session if she remembers a certain song with the lyric that goes something like, “We fall down.” The thin woman in a bubble-gum pink T-shirt and jeans eases out a melody fused with memory, lyrics that match her life.

“We fall down, but we get up. You can turn it around. … For a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.”This woman, too, will disappear in the weeks ahead.For those who keep coming for Monday sessions in the courtroom, there will be applause when they move through phases in the treatment program.

There’s applause when they land jobs. There’s applause when they celebrate an anniversary off drugs. Sometimes, it’s so noisy that other judges send bailiffs to quiet Mays’ fifth-floor courtroom. And each session ends with communal affirmation.“I believe in myself,” says Mays as the chorus follows.“I can do anything.“I am worth the good things in life. “I deserve every good thing that happens to me”.